iPortalTeam / ImmersivePortalsMod

Non-Euclidean in Minecraft. See through portals and teleport seamlessly.

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v5.1.8-mc1.20.4 is incompatible with Iris 1.7.0

Klous666 opened this issue · comments

Is it a mod compatibility issue?


If it's a mod compatibility issue, please provide the link(s) to the incompatible mod(s)

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Describe the issue

Changelog for this version says compatibility was moved to Irs 1.7.0. But an error is shown when using Iris 1.7.0

Incompatible mods found!
net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException: Some of your mods are incompatible with the game or each other!
A potential solution has been determined, this may resolve your problem:
- Remove mod 'Iris' (iris) 1.7.0-snapshot+mc1.20.4-6bad887-dirty (C:\MineCraft-DistantHorizons\mods\iris-1.7.0-snapshot+mc1.20.4-6bad887-dirty.jar).
More details:
- Mod 'Immersive Portals' (immersive_portals) 5.1.8 is incompatible with any version before 1.7.0 or any version after 1.7.0 of mod 'Iris' (iris), but a matching version is present: 1.7.0-snapshot+mc1.20.4-6bad887-dirty!
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException.ofLocalized(FormattedException.java:51)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.load(FabricLoaderImpl.java:195)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.init(Knot.java:146)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:68)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23)

The iris version that you are using is 1.7.0-snapshot+mc1.20.4-6bad887-dirty which is not 1.7.0. If you want the game to launch, use dependency override as described in https://qouteall.fun/immptl/wiki/Miscellaneous.html#remove-the-sodium-iris-version-lock