iNPUTmice / Conversations

Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android

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Toast "Conversations pasted from your clipboard" blocks action buttons "Paste", "Paste as quote", "Paste as plain text"

heapifyman opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Copy some text from e.g. a website
  2. Switch to a conversations chat
  3. Long press into input field at the bottom and select "paste"


Toast "Conversations pasted from your clipboard" appears on top of the action buttons for "Paste", "Paste as quote", "Paste as plain text".
The actual action buttons are hidden and cannot be used until the toast disappears again.

Expected result

The toast should not block the action buttons.


Display the toast at a different position if possible.

The toast is from your Android system and NOT Conversations, disable that feature in your Android Settings. Or complain to Google :))

The toast is from your Android system and NOT Conversations

Are you sure? I only see the toast in Conversations and no other app. It does not appear in Signal, for example.

I don't see it in Android 11/10/9/6

Which device and Android version you have?

Which device and Android version you have?

Google Pixel 6 with Android 13, patch level Dec. 2022

Same behaviour on another Pixel 6 with latest GrapheneOS.

Conversations was installed from f-droid on both devices.

I found the system setting that seems to have been responsible: "Show clipboard access" in "Privacy controls".
After disabling that there's no more toast appearing in Conversations.

But I am still curious why it would only appear in Conversations and no other app?

Related question: the toast seems to indicate that Conversations is trying to get the copied text from clipboard before I have even tapped on "paste". Why would it do that?

How could Conversations know to show a Paste button if it can't check IF there's SOMETHING to be PASTED? I guess...

None of the other apps I tried seem to have to do that, and they still show the "Paste" buttons after a long press into an input field.

Yes this is an Android feature. I've seen this in other apps too.

Conversations when long pressing analysis the content of the clip board to show the Quote as paste menu that's why you see the toast.