Tricertops / Objective-Chain

Object-oriented reactive framework, inspired by ReactiveCocoa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tricertops opened this issue · comments

Current iteration: 0.2.0

Note: Features, where only test are missing, should work as expected. They are just not formally tested.

  • Command + Tests
  • Hub + Tests
  • Property + Tests
  • Notificator + Tests
  • Timer + Tests
  • Invoker + Tests
  • Action Target (missing Tests)
  • Task ?? Does it make sense to abstract a task as a Producer of values? Maybe.
  • Bridge + Tests
  • Context + Tests
  • UIKit Contexts (missing Tests)
  • Filter + Tests
  • Gateway
  • Throttle + Tests
  • Interpolator + Tests
  • Delayer ?
  • Reproducer ?
  • Subscriber + Tests
  • Property + Tests
  • Switch + Tests
  • UIButton setters (missing Tests)
  • Basic + Tests
  • Collections (NSArray, NSDictionary, …) + Tests
  • Math + Tests
  • NSString and related (missing Tests)
  • NSDate and related (missing Tests)
  • NSData (missing Tests)
  • CGPoint (missing Tests)
  • CGSize (missing Tests)
  • CGRect (missing Tests)
  • CGAffineTransform (missing Tests)
  • UIEdgeInsets (missing Tests)
  • CATransform3D (missing Tests)
  • UIColor
  • UIImage
  • Basic (missing Tests)
  • Geometry
  • Decomposer + Tests
  • Queue + Tests
  • Key-Path Accessor + Tests
  • Structure Accessor + Tests
  • Invocation Catcher + Tests

Hi! Why don't you publish it as a Cocoapod? At least you may creadte Podspec for the repo and allow to use it as private pod (with direct link to the repo). I can do it for you and make a pull request, what do you think?

Hi, I don't use CocoaPods. If you need a config file, create a Pull Request and I will include it :)

The problem is, you would be able to use only tagged versions of the repo, right? This is work in progress, so I don't have strict versioning. Should I mark every important commit on master as x.x.1 increment?

No, you do not need to do anything special. There is a way to use just the most recent version of source code from default branch on a repo, you just need to point explicitly exact repo URL in the Podfile.

Here is an example:
pod 'CocoaTouchHelpers', :git => ''

If you specify a pod in Podfile this way - it ignores settings from Podspec file and just fetches latest commit from default branch. You even do not need to publish your Pod on Cocoapods at all. The target repo just need to have correct Podspec in repo root.

So I'll add Podspec and will start pull request, all you need to do is just approve it.

Great, thanks 👍

Would also appreciate a Podspec.

I don’t have strict versions in this project, the latest commit of master is the most usable revision. Does the CocoaPods allow you to use repos this way?

Yes, there are two ways:

Option 1:

You can publish a 0.1 version into the CocoaPods master repo and state that the project is under active development, but ready to try. Users can then install as follows:

pod 'Obejctive-Chain', :head

The advantage of publishing to the master repo is that:

  • Let's people search and find the project
  • Users can read CocoaPods generated API documentation.

(Alternatively at, we have our API docs regenerated after each push and committed to gh-pages. They're available at )

Option 2:

Place the *.podspec file in the root folder of this repository. Users can then install with:

pod 'Objective-Chain', :git => ''

In either of the above cases CocoaPods users will be able to do continuous integration (ie install latest changes) by calling pod update

Would definitely appreciate a podspec as well

👍 for podspec :)

Sorry, didn’t have time for GitHub for past few weeks.

It would be great if any of you could submit a Pull Request with the podspec (as @maximkhatskevich promised). Looks like you, guys, have more experience with pods than me. I think you can do it directly from GitHub website.
