iMarlboro / CurlMulti

Undoubtedly the best php curl class.It's power beyond imagination.

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This is undoubtedly the best php curl library.It is widely used by many developers.The library is a wrapper of curl_multi_* functions with best performance,maximum flexibility,maximum ease of use and negligible performance consumption.All in all it's a very very powerful library.

PHP Version

PHP 5.1.0 +

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  1. Extremely low cpu and memory usage.
  2. Best program performance(tested spider 2000+ html pages per second and 1000MBit/s pic download speed).
  3. Internal download support(use curl download callback,best performance).
  4. Support global parallel and seperate parallel for defferent task type.
  5. Support running info callback.All info you need is returned, include overall and every task infomation.
  6. Support adding task in task callback.
  7. Support user callback.You can do anything in that.
  8. Support process callback backoff.Used to satisfy prerequists.
  9. Support global error callback and task error callback.All error info is returned.
  10. Support internal max try for tasks.
  11. Support user variable flow arbitrarily.
  12. Support global CURLOPT_* and task CURLOPT_*.
  13. Powerfull cache.Global and task cache config supported.
  14. All public property config can be changed on the fly!
  15. You can develop amazing curl application based on the library.


Without pthreads php is single-threaded language,so the library widely use callbacks.There are only two common functions CurlMulti_Core::add() and CurlMulti_Core::start().add() just add a task to internal taskpool.start() starts callback cycle with the concurrent number of CurlMulti_Core::$maxThread and is blocked until all added tasks(a typical task is a url) are finished.If you have huge number of tasks you will use CurlMulti_Core::$cbTask to specify a callback function to add() urls,this callback is called when the number of running concurrent is less than CurlMulti_Core::$maxThread.When a task finished the 'process callback' specified in add() is immediately called,and then fetch a task from internal taskpool,and then add the task to the running concurrent.When all added tasks finished the start() finished.


Kernel class

A wraper of CurlMulti_Core.Supported very usefull tools and convention.It's very easy to use.All spider shoud inherent this class.


A powerfull site clone tool.It's a perfect tool.



public $maxThread = 10

The limit may be associated with OS or libcurl,but not the library.

public $maxThreadType = array ()

Key is type(specified in add()).Value is parallel.The sum of values can excced $maxThread.Parallel of notype task is value of $maxThread minus the sum.Parallel of notype less than zero will be set to zero.Zero represent no type task will never be excuted except the config changed in the fly.

public $maxTry = 3

Curl error or user error max try times.If reached $cbFail will be called.

public $opt = array ()

Global CURLOPT_* for all tasks.Overrided by CURLOPT_* in add().

public $cache = array ('enable' => false, 'enableDownload'=> false, 'compress' => false, 'dir' => null, 'expire' =>86400, 'dirLevel' => 1)

The options is very easy to understand.Cache is identified by url.If cache finded,the class will not access the network,but return the cache directly.

public $taskPoolType = 'stack'

Values are 'stack' or 'queue'.This option decided depth-first or width-first.

public $cbTask = array(0=>'callback',1=>array())

When the parallel is less than $maxThread and taskpool is empty the class will try to call callback function specified by $cbTask.$cbTask[0] is callback itself.$cbTask[1] is parameters for the callback.

public $cbInfo = null

Callback for running info.Use print_r() to check it.The speed is limited once per second.

public $cbUser = null

Callback for user operations very frequently.You can do anything there.

public $cbFail = null

Callback for failed tasks.Lower priority than 'fail callback' specified than add().

public function __construct()

Musted be called in subclass.

public function add(array $item, $process = null, $fail = null)

Add a task to taskpool.
$item['url'] Must not be emtpy.
$item['file'] If is setted the content of the url will be saved.Should be absolute path.The last level directory will be created automaticly.
$item['opt']=array() CURLOPT_* for current task.Override the global $this->opt and merged.
$item['args'] Second parameter for callbacks.Include $this->cbFail and $fail and $process.
$item['ctl']=array() do some additional control.type,cache,ahead。
$item['ctl']['type'] Task type use for $this->maxThreadType。
$item['ctl']['cache']=array('enable'=>null,'expire'=>null) Task cache.Override $this->cache and merged.
$item['ctl']['close'] close ch automaticly or not.
$item['ctl']['ahead'] Regardless of $this->taskPoolType.The task will be allway add to parallel prioritized.
$process Called if task is success.The first parameter for the callback is array('info'=>array(),'content'=>'','ext'=>array()) and the second parameter is $item['args'] specified in first parameter of add().First callback parameter's info key is http info,content key is url content,ext key has some extended info.If return false in callback,the task will be backoffed to the tail of the taskpool that it will be called again later with same state of current.Returning false is risky,because you must guarantee stop returning false yourself to avoid endless loop.
$fail Task fail callback.The first parameter has two keys of info and error.Info key is http info.Error key is full error infomation.The second parameter is $item['args'].

public function error($msg)

A powerfull method.If you think current task is fail in $process(second parameter of $this->add()) callback,you can call this method to make the task go $this->maxTry loop.
Download task is not affected.Cache write will be ignored.
Must be called in $process.

public function start()

Start the loop.This is a blocked method.

public function getch($url = null)

Get a curl resource with global $this->opt.


function __construct($curlmulti = null)

Set up use default CurlMulti_Core or your own instance.

function hashpath($name, $level = 2)

Set hashed path.Every directory has max 4096 files.

function substr($str, $start, $end = null, $mode = 'g')

Get substring of a string use start string and end string include in the string.Start and end are excluded.

function cbCurlFail($error, $args)

Default fail callback.

function cbCurlInfo($info)

Default CurlMulti_Core::$cbInfo

protected function curlInfoString($info)

Get info string

function hasHttpError($info)

If http code is 200.

function encoding($html, $in = null, $out = 'UTF-8', $mode = 'auto')

Powerfull function to convert html encoding and set <head></head> in html.$in can be get from <head></head>.

function isUrl($str)

If is a full url.

function uri2url($uri, $urlCurrent)

Get full url of $uri used in the $urlCurrent html page.

function url2uri($url, $urlCurrent)

get relative uri of the current page.

function urlDir($url)

url should be redirected final url.Final url normally has '/' suffix.

function getCurl()

Return CurlMulti_Core instance.


A simple runnable demo that shows the very basic usage of kernel class.

Just a basic kernel class demonstration, maybe not runnable.

This demo is advanced usage with CurlMulti_My.It's porpuse is to show as much features as possible with as little code as possible.The target site maybe changing,so the code maybe not runnable.

Perfect clone the target site.


Undoubtedly the best php curl class.It's power beyond imagination.


Language:PHP 100.0%