iMED-Lab / OCTA-Net-OCTA-Vessel-Segmentation-Network

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dataset path

MinsGoing opened this issue · comments


Thank you very much for receiving your dataset. I encountered a problem when I replaced the data set path. Your default path is "/media/imed/data/mayuhui/TMI_OCTA_vseg/data/OCTA/CRIA", and I replaced it with "../../data/ROSE-2".and get infomation “IndexError: list index out of range”in code\OCTA-Net\, line 17, in train_first_stage thin_gt = sample[2].to(device)。

That is, sampmle out of range.Hope you can answer, thank you very much!

We are sorry to forget to clarify that for ROSE-2, changes should be made as follows:
thin_gt = sample[1].to(device)
thick_gt = sample[1].to(device)
if there are any bugs else, please contact us. Good luck!