iMED-Lab / OCTA-Net-OCTA-Vessel-Segmentation-Network

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Where to get "front_model-189-0.9019971996250081.pth" when using the

MSC19950601 opened this issue · comments

as titling.

Here is the front_model-189-0.9019971996250081.pth: passwd: 8fdw
Good luck!

Thank you very much!

Could you also provide the "370-0.9035.pth" mentioned in the

Sorry, we could not find the model file here due to too many experimental models and results. "370-0.9035.pth" mentioned in the may not be the best saved model and we suggest that you could train and test the two stage by yourself.

Thank you very much!

@YuhuiMa how to get a access to download your datasets?