iCrawl / discord-vscode

🖋️ Update your discord status with a rich presence

Home Page:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=icrawl.discord-vscode

Repository from Github https://github.comiCrawl/discord-vscodeRepository from Github https://github.comiCrawl/discord-vscode


WillsterJohnson opened this issue · comments

There are 33 open issues from this year, most of which have no response, none of which have labels.

There are 12 open PRs from this year (excluding the many dependabot PRs), none have a response from the author, none have labels.

@iCrawl is this project abandoned? Several of these issues and PRs seem fairly important, but have been ignored for months.


The project is working as intended and does not need any changes. The PRs are feature requests where most don't conform the standard.

The "issues" are none. Repository button not working? Explained bunch of times, doesn't work if you click on it. It's a discord thing not this extension.
Not working? Certain OS are not supported by discords protocol.
Running in a sandbox? Snap? Flatpack? Yup, neither supported by discord.

There have been no real code changes for almost 2 years and it's been running fine for 99% of the user base.