i99dev / randomSeating-Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API Challenge 42 Abu Dhabi 🎇

I don't submit this work, I just want to share it.

The Challenge: To build a smart solution that assigns, in a pseudo-random way, student seating for exams. The ideal solution will use the 42 Intranet API (https://api.intra.42.fr/apidoc) to find the recent seats of the students and assign a seat other than their recent locations, while also taking into account things like piscine (cursus selection), lab choices, seating spacing, etc.

The Judging Criteria: The solution will be judged using the following: • Relevance to the challenge topic • Ingenuity / Creativity • Ease of use • Ease of deployment • Ease of updating / maintaining


  • algorithm to assign seats for each user -> Link. ✅
  • API to get the recent seats of the students. ✅
  • respone to the API request. ✅
  • Email service to send the results to the students. 🚧

The Purpose

The purpose of this challenge is to help students to build a RESTful API.



Language:TypeScript 87.6%Language:JavaScript 8.9%Language:Makefile 2.2%Language:Dockerfile 1.4%