i99dev / nuxt_practice

Nuxtjs3 Practice, it's the project I implemented some techniques to understand all new features on NuxtJs3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nuxt3 Practice

1. Nuxt3 install

$ npx nuxi init <project-name>

2. Nuxt3 run

$ npm run dev

3. Nuxt3 build

$ npm run build

4. Nuxt3 start

$ npm run start

5. Nuxt3 generate

$ npm run generate

Nuxt3 generate static files in dist folder. and you can deploy it to any static hosting service.

Nuxt3 Libraries

1. Frontend Libraries (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, etc)

2. Mock API

We will use expressJS to create mock API server. and the folder structure is as follows.

├── @api
│   ├── index.js
│   └── users.js
└── package.json

for more information, please refer to mockApi

3. Authentication

Authentication Implementation

4. Provider Login

Provider Login


Nuxtjs3 Practice, it's the project I implemented some techniques to understand all new features on NuxtJs3.


Language:JavaScript 47.9%Language:TypeScript 28.3%Language:Vue 23.8%