i8beef / HomeAutio.Mqtt.GoogleHome

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not connecting to mqtt server in 3.x (i.e. dotnet7) releases

clmcavaney opened this issue · comments

I haven't updated my container in a while and thought I would try the 3.x series.
But when I do, the service doesn't connect to the mqtt server any more.

homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 ERR] Error while connecting with server.
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 INF] Now listening on: http://[::]:5000
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 INF] Hosting environment: Production
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 INF] Content root path: /app
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 INF] Disconnected.
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 INF] MQTT Connection closed unexpectedly, reconnecting...
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:27 WRN] MQTT Connection failed, retrying...
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:32 ERR] Error while connecting with server.
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:32 INF] Disconnected.
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:32 INF] MQTT Connection closed unexpectedly, reconnecting...
homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [00:49:32 WRN] MQTT Connection failed, retrying...
^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)

Has there been a change in the mqtt library or something else that could be causing this?

Did you read the stickied post and change your setup appropriately? #138

Thanks Michael, I did try that but mustn't have got the exact syntax correct.
When I did get it working, the logs are a little confusing to me as the first line says:

homeautio.mqtt.googlehome  | [21:27:32 INF] Loaded with configuration from: appsettings.json, /app/config/appsettings.Production.json

Which is different to what is specified in that #138 and subsequently what I put in my docker-compose.yml file:

- "<local path>/etc/google-home/appsettings.Production.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json"

i.e. /app/appsettings.Production.json doesn't match /app/config/appsettings.Production.json

Maybe that file is being copied to the /app/config directory on startup. Not sure.

That's just the message it spits out, I need to change that (whoops). Your mount looks correct to me. Anything special about your MQTT setup? TLS? Certificate based auth?

Nothing special from where that is connecting (i.e. internal LAN) - not connecting via TLS for that.
Once I made that change you mentioned above it is working.

On the question of TLS or cert based auth - I did try and have homeautio.mqtt.googlehome hosted on a cloud VM, but there was issues with it connecting to my MQTT broker. Some issue with the TLS certificates connection, so I have just kept it local.

So working again?

There is a difference between making a connection to MQTT over TLS (using port 8883 usually) and AUTHENTICATING with a certificate. The underlying library supports both, and I SHOULD expose all the right things to do it, though I had some confusion over it since they merge the settings together a bit so I haven't actually tried cert auth. I DO use TLS connections though, and usually problems there have to do with using self-signed certs, etc., and setting some combination of the cert chain settings to make sure the cert passes.


Yes, working with v3.x with the config change you pointed out. Thanks for that.
This issue can now be closed.
I will follow up on the MQTT with TLS and auth at a later point.