i3visio / osrframework

OSRFramework, the Open Sources Research Framework is a AGPLv3+ project by i3visio focused on providing API and tools to perform more accurate online researches.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cant using platform facebook, youtube, twitter and instagram

Noegs opened this issue · comments


Youtube platfrom :
searchfy -q reggaeville -p youtube
[*] Launching search using the Youtube module...
results obtained :
No data found...

Facebook platform
searchfy -q reggaeville -p facebook
[*] Launching search using the Youtube module...
results obtained :
No data found...

platform all
searchfy -q hartanto
results obtained : only github and keyserverio

why i cant using facebook/twitter/youtube/instagram.
Only github and keyserverio i can use the module

any suggest for this problem?


i am facing this issues too

+1 same problem