i-doit / api-client-php

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cmdb.category.create gibt deprecation warning und runtimeexception

frisbee23 opened this issue · comments

ich mach category->read(..)
und bekomme ein leeres array,also mache ich

dabei tritt folgender fehler auf..

ich wollte das nur grob melden, zu deiner information;

ich werd mal schauen das ich die exception abfange und einfach weitermache..


Expected behavior

creating the group membership category

Actual behavior

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Bad result: Category entry was already existing and has been updated. [This method is deprecated und will be removed i
n a feature release. Use 'cmdb.category.save' instead.] in /var/www/itservices/ois/vendor/bheisig/idoitapi/src/CMDBCategory.php:104
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/itservices/ois/idoit-syncdoc.php(399): bheisig\idoitapi\CMDBCategory->create(148915, 'C__CATG__GROUP_...', Array)

Steps to reproduce the behavior


Question Answer
bheisig/idoitapi version 0.7
PHP version 7.2
i-doit version 1.12.1 mit hotfixes fuer api open/pro
i-doit API add-on version latest

Server logs

Excerpt taken from /var/log/apache2/error.log:

Paste logs

Excerpt taken from /var/www/html/i-doit/log/api_*.log:

Paste logs

Sorry for the late response. Can you please provide a minimal example as source code to reproduce this behavior?


You can avoid this deprecated method by using CMDBCategory::save() instead.

I close this issue. If there's still a problem please re-open it. Thanks.