hzxie / RMNet

The official implementation of "Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation". (Xie et al., CVPR 2021)

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Pretrained models for YouTube-VOS dataset

XiaoqiangZhou opened this issue · comments

Thanks for sharing such great work about video object segmentation and providing the detailed instructions for the code.

  1. Unfortunately, I find that the link for pretrained YouTube-VOS model is invalid. Have you finished retraining it? I'm looking forward to this model.
  2. A question about the training detail. For the training on the YouTube-VOS dataset, do you use the annotated frames or all the frames in the training set? As we know, the training set of this dataset is annotated every 5 frames, e.g. for the image id from 0 to 9, the No.0 and No.5 images are annotated with segmentation masks.


Sorry, I am too busy to finish it.
I just use segmented frames (i.e. every 5 frames) for the YouTube-VOS dataset.