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[CoRL 2020] Learning 3D Dynamic Scene Representations for Robot Manipulation

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Learning 3D Dynamic Scene Representations for Robot Manipulation

Zhenjia Xu1*, Zhanpeng He1*, Jiajun Wu2, Shuran Song1
1Columbia University, 2Stanford University
CoRL 2020

Project Page | Video | arXiv


This repo contains the PyTorch implementation for paper "Learning 3D Dynamic Scene Representations for Robot Manipulation". teaser



The code is built with Python 3.6. Libraries are listed in requirements.txt:

Data Preparation

Download Testing Data

The following two testing datasets can be download.

  • Sim: 400 sequences, generated in pybullet.
  • Real: 150 sequences, with full annotations.

Generate Training Data

Download object mesh: shapenet and ycb.

To generate data in simulation, one can run

python data_generation.py --data_path [path to data] --train_num [number of training sequences] --test_num [number of testing sequences] --object_type [type of objects]

Where the object_type can be cube, shpenet, or ycb. The training data in the paper can be generated with the followint scripts:

# cube
python data_generation.py --data_path data/cube_train --train_num 4000 --test_num 400 --object_type cube

# shapenet
python data_generation.py --data_path data/shapenet_train --train_num 4000 --test_num 400 --object_type shapenet

Pretrained Models

Some of the pretrained models can be download in pretrained_models. To evaluate the pretrained models, one can run

python test.py --resume [path to model] --data_path [path to data] --model_type [type of model] --test_type [type of test]

where model_type can be one of the following:

  • dsr: DSR-Net introduced in the paper.
  • single: It does not use any history aggregation.
  • nowarp: It does not warp the representation before aggregation.
  • gtwarp: It warps the representation with ground truth motion (i.e., performance oracle)
  • 3dflow: It predicts per-voxel scene flow for the entire 3D volume.

Both motion prediction and mask prediction can be evaluated by choosing different test_type:

  • motion prediction: motion_visible or motion_full
  • mask prediction: mask_ordered or mask_unordered

(Please refer to our paper for detailed explanation of each type of evaluation)

Here are several examples:

# evaluate mask prediction (ordered) of DSR-Net using real data:
python test.py --resume [path to dsr model] --data_path [path to real data] --model_type dsr --test_type mask_ordered

# evaluate mask prediction (unordered) of DSR-Net(finetuned) using real data:
python test.py --resume [path to dsr_ft model] --data_path [path to real data] --model_type dsr --test_type mask_unordered

# evaluate motion prediction (visible surface) of NoWarp model using sim data:
python test.py --resume [path to nowarp model] --data_path [path to sim data] --model_type nowarp --test_type motion_visible

# evaluate motion prediction (full volume) of SingleStep model using sim data:
python test.py --resume [path to single model] --data_path [path to sim data] --model_type single --test_type motion_full


Various training options can be modified or toggled on/off with different flags (run python main.py -h to see all options):

usage: train.py [-h] [--exp EXP] [--gpus GPUS [GPUS ...]] [--resume RESUME]
                [--data_path DATA_PATH] [--object_num OBJECT_NUM]
                [--seq_len SEQ_LEN] [--batch BATCH] [--workers WORKERS]
                [--model_type {dsr,single,nowarp,gtwarp,3dflow}]
                [--transform_type {affine,se3euler,se3aa,se3spquat,se3quat}]
                [--alpha_motion ALPHA_MOTION] [--alpha_mask ALPHA_MASK]
                [--snapshot_freq SNAPSHOT_FREQ] [--epoch EPOCH] [--finetune]
                [--seed SEED] [--dist_backend DIST_BACKEND]
                [--dist_url DIST_URL]

Training of DSR-Net

Since the aggregation ability depends on the accuracy of motion prediction, we split the training process into three stages from easy to hard: (1) single-step on cube dataset; (2) multi-step on cube dataset; (3) multi-step on ShapeNet dataset.

# Stage 1 (single-step on cube dataset)
python train.py --exp dsr_stage1 --data_path [path to cube dataset] --seq_len 1 --model_type dsr --epoch 30

# Stage 2 (multi-step on cube dataset)
python train.py --exp dsr_stage2 --resume [path to stage1] --data_path [path to cube dataset] --seq_len 10 --model_type dsr --epoch 20 --finetune

# Stage 3 (multi-step on shapenet dataset)
python train.py --exp dsr_stage3 --resume [path to stage2] --data_path [path to shapenet dataset] --seq_len 10 --model_type dsr --epoch 20 --finetune

Training of Baselines

  • nowarp and gtwarp. Use the same scripts as DSR-Net with corresponding model_type.

  • single and 3dflow. Two-stage training: (1) single step on cube dataset; (2) single step on Shapenet dataset.


    title={Learning 3D Dynamic Scene Representations for Robot Manipulation},
    author={Xu, Zhenjia and He, Zhanpeng and Wu, Jiajun and Song, Shuran},
    booktitle={Conference on Robotic Learning (CoRL)},


This repository is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.



[CoRL 2020] Learning 3D Dynamic Scene Representations for Robot Manipulation


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%