hyuunnn / Hyara

Yara rule making tool (IDA Pro & Binary Ninja & Cutter & Ghidra Plugin)

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apple silicon, macos, yara-python

psifertex opened this issue · comments

Be aware that for now yara-python can't automatically install from PIP on macos in some configurations (likely homebrew related) until a new release is triggered:


The work-around described at the end of the issue works for me. To adapt to the runtime environment of BN, copy/paste the log and add the appropriate environment variabels (assuming a homebrew python). Something like:

CFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl/lib" pip install \\
yara-python /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.6/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin/python3.11 \\
-m pip --isolated --disable-pip-version-check install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed --target \\
/Users/jwiens/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/python311/site-packages yara-python>=4.3.0