hyrious / typst-syntax-highlight

Typst sublime text syntax highlighting

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is it possible to "overlook" typst warnings?

ondohotola opened this issue · comments

With typst 0.7.0 I am getting this warning (in particular when using tablex)

warning: layout did not converge within 5 attempts

Which makes the Build return with Error

How would done filter these? Or perhaps show them as with Warnings?

As I use the Better Build System I have created an issue there as well referring to this one as I don't know which one is responsible

It is definitely possible to filter warnings in a build system by writing a python script.

However, I'm not in a hurry to bring python into this project. In most of the cases this simple build system just works. You're free to write your own complex build system in your User package.


Take a look at LSP for Typst