hypnoglow / dotbro

Dotbro - simple yet effective dotfiles manager.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Break down by OS->Hostname->Distro

flowchartsman opened this issue · comments

It would be nice to have optional mappings/init/etc broken down by OS, then Hostname, then distro/version like the following JSON

  "mappings": {
    "one": "two",
    "two": "three"
  "init" : [
  "env" : {
    "linux" :{
      "mappings": {
        "three": "four"
      "init" : [

But, alas, TOML doesn't support arrays and tables at the same level unless they're written in a particular order.

#totally fine
bar = [

one = "two"
three = "four"
one = "two"
three = "four"

bar = [

YAML's cool with it, though:

  one: two
  three: four
  - one
  - two

Kind of a big change, but it would dovetail nicely with init command substitutions. Opening issue to track.