hyperledger-labs / minifabric

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Problem with multiple nodes and different profiles

alphacybercom opened this issue · comments

By referring to the context reported in a previous issue, I've created a blockchain network composed of two different nodes A (primary) and B (secondary), on two different hosts.
I also have two nodejs client applications (on A and B) which connect, respectively, to A and B through the vars/profiles/mychannel_connection_for_nodesdk.json connection profile files on the respective hosts.

I've implemented a custom chaincode, shared among the two nodes. Nevertheless, I'm not able to interact on the B node.

The following error is returned by the node client on B.

2022-02-02T17:59:05.485Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer1.org2.mydomain.com, url:grpcs://b-hostname:5001, connected:false, connectAttempted:true
2022-02-02T17:59:05.487Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server peer1.org2.mydomain.com url:grpcs://b-hostname:5001 timeout:3000
2022-02-02T17:59:05.488Z - info: [NetworkConfig]: buildPeer - Unable to connect to the endorser peer1.org2.mydomain.com due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer1.org2.mydomain.com, url:grpcs://b-hostname:5001, connected:false, connectAttempted:true
2022-02-02T17:59:08.492Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer2.org2.mydomain.com, url:grpcs://b-hostname:5002, connected:false, connectAttempted:true
2022-02-02T17:59:08.492Z - error: [ServiceEndpoint]: waitForReady - Failed to connect to remote gRPC server peer2.org2.mydomain.com url:grpcs://b-hostname:5002 timeout:3000
2022-02-02T17:59:08.492Z - info: [NetworkConfig]: buildPeer - Unable to connect to the endorser peer2.org2.mydomain.com due to Error: Failed to connect before the deadline on Endorser- name: peer2.org2.mydomain.com, url:grpcs://b-hostname:5002, connected:false, connectAttempted:true
2022-02-02T17:59:08.537Z - error: [Endorser]: sendProposal[peer1.org2.mydomain.com] - rejecting with: Error: Broadcast Client peer1.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5001 is not connected
2022-02-02T17:59:08.537Z - error: [Endorser]: sendProposal[peer2.org2.mydomain.com] - rejecting with: Error: Broadcast Client peer2.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5002 is not connected
2022-02-02T17:59:08.539Z - error: [Transaction]: Error: No valid responses from any peers. Errors:
    peer=peer1.org2.mydomain.com, status=grpc, message=Broadcast Client peer1.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5001 is not connected
    peer=peer2.org2.mydomain.com, status=grpc, message=Broadcast Client peer2.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5002 is not connected
{ Error: No valid responses from any peers. Errors:
    peer=peer1.org2.mydomain.com, status=grpc, message=Broadcast Client peer1.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5001 is not connected
    peer=peer2.org2.mydomain.com, status=grpc, message=Broadcast Client peer2.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5002 is not connected
    at newEndorsementError (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:49:12)
    at getResponsePayload (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:17:23)
    at Transaction.submit (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:227:28)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
  responses: [],
   [ { Error: Broadcast Client peer1.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5001 is not connected
         at Promise (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/Endorser.js:133:11)
         at new Promise (<anonymous>)
         at Endorser.sendProposal (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/Endorser.js:126:10)
         at Endorsement.send (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/Proposal.js:427:25)
         at Transaction.submit (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:225:52)
         at ContractImpl.submitTransaction (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/contract.js:187:45)
         at execute (/root/customapp/app.js:29:68)
         at connectandrun (/root/customapp/app.js:85:2)
         at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7) connection: [Object], peer: 'peer1.org2.mydomain.com' },
     { Error: Broadcast Client peer2.org2.mydomain.com grpcs://b-hostname:5002 is not connected
         at Promise (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/Endorser.js:133:11)
         at new Promise (<anonymous>)
         at Endorser.sendProposal (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/Endorser.js:126:10)
         at Endorsement.send (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/Proposal.js:427:25)
         at Transaction.submit (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:225:52)
         at ContractImpl.submitTransaction (/root/customapp/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/contract.js:187:45)
         at execute (/root/customapp/app.js:29:68)
         at connectandrun (/root/customapp/app.js:85:2)
         at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7) connection: [Object], peer: 'peer2.org2.mydomain.com' } ] }

I believe the problem is related to some kind of authorization provided to B to interact on the chaincode "managed by" A.

I also make you notice that the custom chaincode is transferred through scp from A to B: I'm not sure this is the right process.
Just for completeness, here is the sketch of the commands used to connect the two nodes.

# A:
scp ${B_USER}@${B_HOST}:${MINIFAB_FOLDER}/vars/JoinRequest_org2-mydomain-com.json vars/NewOrgJoinRequest.json
sudo ./minifab orgjoin
sudo ./minifab channelquery
scp vars/profiles/endpoints.yaml ${B_USER}@${B_HOST}:${MINIFAB_FOLDER}/vars/
scp -r vars/chaincode/${CHAINCODENAME} ${B_USER}@${B_HOST}:${MINIFAB_FOLDER}/vars/chaincode/

# B:
sudo ./minifab nodeimport,join
sudo ./minifab discover
sudo ./minifab install,approve -n ${CHAINCODENAME} -p '' -l node -v 1.0.0

# A:
sudo ./minifab approve,discover,commit

# B:
sudo ./minifab anchorupdate
sudo ./minifab profilegen
# B nodejs client settings:
# - connection profile location: ${MINIFAB_FOLDER}/vars/profiles/mychannel_connection_for_nodesdk.json
# - wallet folder location: ${MINIFAB_FOLDER}/vars/profiles/vscode/wallets/org2.mydomain.com

How can I solve the issue?

Also, by running a simple query (sudo ./minifab invoke -n ${CHAINCODENAME} -p '"query","a"') on B, here is the returned error.

Using spec file: ${MINIFAB_FOLDER}/spec.yaml
Minifab Execution Context:
# Preparing for the following operations: *********************
  verify options, cc invoke
# Running operation: ******************************************
  verify options
# Running operation: ******************************************
  cc invoke
# Run the chaincode invoke script on cli container ************
  non-zero return code
  Error: No such container: ${NETNAME}

# STATS *******************************************************
minifab: ok=33	failed=1	

real	0m15.716s
user	0m13.556s
sys	0m2.271s

The error was solved by running rm -f /var/lib/docker, hence restarting the host.