hyperledger-archives / fabric

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Fabric gives error on firing "Query" command from REST API

mychewcents opened this issue · comments


I have deployed the chaincode using already available hyperledger/fabric images for peer and membersrvc. The deploy and invoke command just work fine when fired, but query command times out and displays an error.

I'm running the blockchain in dev mode. I have tried working in production mode also, but some other error pops up, which is not related to this error.

The following error is displayed:

[chaincode] processStream -> ERRO 9d0 Got error: [72ad4821-93fd-477d-94ba-e3d0ba8961b8]Chaincode handler FSM cannot handle message (RANGE_QUERY_STATE) with payload size (10) while in state: ready
[chaincode] HandleMessage -> DEBU 9d1 [72ad4821]Handling ChaincodeMessage of type: ERROR in state ready
[chaincode] processStream -> ERRO 9d2 [72ad4821]Error handling message, ending stream: [72ad4821-93fd-477d-94ba-e3d0ba8961b8]Chaincode handler validator FSM cannot handle message (ERROR) with payload size (146) while in state: ready

I have looked at every other possible solution on the forum and on Google, but the error still pertains.

Describe How to Reproduce

I have followed the steps given in the official hyperledger documentation for docker-toolbox, working in linux environment.