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Error when start pbft mode and create node

Abigale001 opened this issue · comments


I want to test the chaincode_example02.go in my docker. But when I docker-compose up , I get following error.

vp3_1 | 01:09:51.128 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 0d4 Error handling message: Peer FSM cannot handle message (DISC_GET_PEERS) with payload size (0) while in state: created

vp3_1 | 01:09:53.055 [peer] ensureConnected -> WARN 0d5 Touch service indicates dropped connections, attempting to reconnect...

vp3_1 | 01:09:56.128 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 0d6 Error handling message: Peer FSM cannot handle message (DISC_GET_PEERS) with payload size (0) while in state: created

vp3_1 | 01:09:59.056 [peer] ensureConnected -> WARN 0d7 Touch service indicates dropped connections, attempting to reconnect...

And I don't know why, so I ignore it and continue.

I typed

$ docker exec -it vp0 bash
$ peer chaincode deploy -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02 -c '{"Function":"init", "Args": ["a","100", "b", "200"]}'

I get following error.

Error: Non-empty JSON chaincode parameters must contain exactly 1 key: 'Args'

Describe How to Reproduce

I have search the error on google, and I only get answer of Non-empty JSON chaincode parameters must contain exactly 2 keys: Function and Args, that is, I can't find the source code of my error(exactly 1 key). I think it's so strange.

Maybe my mistake is from the beginning where I typed docker-compose up.

Anyone can help me? It got me crazy.

Now, I only get this error: Error: Non-empty JSON chaincode parameters must contain exactly 1 key: 'Args'. Anyone can help me?

What was the solution for the "non-empty" issue?


[# _**funcion****`**_](

  • @

  • [1. url](





@Abigale001 May I ask you how do you solve the first "handleChat" error?