hyperledger-archives / fabric

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Error building images: cannot normalise nothing

cophey opened this issue · comments

Building outside of Vagrant
My system is ubuntu.
I install go、docker、behave、rocksdb;
I pull docker-images:

  • busybox:latest
  • hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:x86_64-0.0.10
  • hyperledger/fabric-membersrvc
  • hyperledger/fabric-peer
  • yeasy/hyperledger-peer:latest
    (can not find hyperledger/hyperledger-peer?)

when i run a chaincode in running-mode,Peer logs as this:

10:46:55.518 [dockercontroller] deployImage -> ERRO 020 Error building images: cannot normalise nothing
10:46:55.830 [dockercontroller] deployImage -> ERRO 021 Error building images: cannot normalise nothing
10:46:55.830 [chaincode] Launch -> ERRO 022 launchAndWaitForRegister failed Error starting container: cannot normalise nothing

Hi, I'm running into this same issue. Since you closed this, I'm wondering if you found a way to fix this? Thanks!

I got the same error, @cophey do you have any idea about the solution for this error?

@tengsun I figured out the issue for myself. The issue was that the default Dockerfile used to launch the chaincode's Docker container was broken. To fix it, I overrode the chaincode found in peer/core.yaml. If you're using Docker Compose to launch, here's the environment variable to fix it:

  - |
    FROM hyperledger/fabric-baseimage
    ENV GOPATH=/opt/gopath
    COPY src $${GOPATH}/src

Basically, I've explicitly define the GOPATH variable to point to the gopath inside hyperledger/fabric-baseimage.

@tengsun @OiCMudkips I run make all command at ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/,and then it is ok.

@cophey Thanks, the make all command works, but have to install the docker manually.
@OiCMudkips I didn't make it run successfully, appreciate if you could attach your docker-compose.yml file here and I'll have a try.