hyperf / hyperf

🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility. Building microservice or middleware with ease.

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[BUG] hyperf 3.1 nacos配置中心grpc后报错

jiyang666 opened this issue · comments

Command: uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole

PHP 8.2.19 (cli) (built: May  7 2024 14:19:14) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.2.19, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.2.19, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
friendsofhyperf/lock               v3.1.20   The lock component for Hyperf.
hyperf/amqp                        v3.1.21   A amqplib for hyperf.
hyperf/async-queue                 v3.1.15   A async queue component for hyperf.
hyperf/cache                       v3.1.15   A cache component for hyperf.
hyperf/code-parser                 v3.1.15   A code parser component for Hyperf.
hyperf/codec                       v3.1.15   A codec component for Hyperf.
hyperf/collection                  v3.1.21   Hyperf Collection package which come from illuminate/collections
hyperf/command                     v3.1.15   Command for hyperf
hyperf/conditionable               v3.1.15   Hyperf Macroable package which come from illuminate/conditionable
hyperf/config                      v3.1.15   An independent component that provides configuration container.
hyperf/config-center               v3.1.15   The abstraction component of config center
hyperf/config-nacos                v3.1.15   A nacos adapter for config center component.
hyperf/constants                   v3.1.16   A constants component for hyperf.
hyperf/context                     v3.1.15   A coroutine/application context library.
hyperf/contract                    v3.1.15   The contracts of Hyperf.
hyperf/coordinator                 v3.1.21   Hyperf Coordinator
hyperf/coroutine                   v3.1.15   Hyperf Coroutine
hyperf/crontab                     v3.1.19   A crontab component for Hyperf.
hyperf/database                    v3.1.21   A flexible database library.
hyperf/db-connection               v3.1.15   A hyperf db connection handler for hyperf/database.
hyperf/devtool                     v3.1.19   A Devtool for Hyperf.
hyperf/di                          v3.1.15   A DI for Hyperf.
hyperf/dispatcher                  v3.1.15   A HTTP Server for Hyperf.
hyperf/engine                      v2.11.0   Coroutine engine provided by swoole.
hyperf/engine-contract             v1.10.1   Contract for Coroutine Engine
hyperf/event                       v3.1.15   an event manager that implements PSR-14.
hyperf/exception-handler           v3.1.15   Exception handler for hyperf
hyperf/filesystem                  v3.1.15   flysystem integration for hyperf
hyperf/flysystem-oss               v1.3.0   
hyperf/framework                   v3.1.15   A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexible, specifically use for build microservices and middlewares.
hyperf/grpc                        v3.1.21   A GRPC basic library for Hyperf.
hyperf/guzzle                      v3.1.15   Swoole coroutine handler for guzzle
hyperf/http-message                v3.1.19   microservice framework base on swoole
hyperf/http-server                 v3.1.17   A HTTP Server for Hyperf.
hyperf/http2-client                v3.1.15   A HTTP2 client library for Hyperf.
hyperf/logger                      v3.1.15   A logger component for hyperf.
hyperf/macroable                   v3.1.15   Hyperf Macroable package which come from illuminate/macroable
hyperf/memory                      v3.1.15   An independent component that use to operate and manage memory.
hyperf/model-listener              v3.1.15   A model listener for Hyperf.
hyperf/nacos                       v3.1.15   Nacos SDK
hyperf/paginator                   v3.1.15   A paginator component for hyperf.
hyperf/pipeline                    v3.1.15   Hyperf Macroable package which come from illuminate/pipeline
hyperf/pool                        v3.1.15   An independent universal connection pool component.
hyperf/process                     v3.1.15   A process component for hyperf.
hyperf/rate-limit                  v3.1.15   A rate limiter implemented for Hyperf or other coroutine framework
hyperf/redis                       v3.1.18   A redis component for hyperf.
hyperf/resource                    v3.1.15   A api resource component for hyperf.
hyperf/serializer                  v3.1.15   A serializer component for Hyperf.
hyperf/server                      v3.1.15   A base server library for Hyperf.
hyperf/signal                      v3.1.15   A signal library for Hyperf.
hyperf/snowflake                   v3.1.15   A snowflake library
hyperf/stdlib                      v3.1.15   A stdlib component for Hyperf.
hyperf/stringable                  v3.1.20   Hyperf Stringable package which come from illuminate/support
hyperf/support                     v3.1.15   A support component for Hyperf.
hyperf/tappable                    v3.1.15   Hyperf Macroable package which come from illuminate/tappable
hyperf/testing                     v3.1.21   Testing for hyperf
hyperf/token-bucket                v2.0.0    Implementation of the Token Bucket algorithm.
hyperf/translation                 v3.1.15   An independent translation component, forked by illuminate/translation.
hyperf/utils                       v3.1.0    A tools package that could help developer solved the problem quickly.
hyperf/validation                  v3.1.15   hyperf validation
hyperf/watcher                     v3.1.21   Hot reload watcher for Hyperf


Swoole => enabled
Author => Swoole Team <team@swoole.com>
Version => 5.1.1
Built => Apr  7 2024 13:49:24
coroutine => enabled with boost asm context
kqueue => enabled
rwlock => enabled
sockets => enabled
openssl => OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024
dtls => enabled
http2 => enabled
json => enabled
curl-native => enabled
pcre => enabled
zlib => 1.2.12
mysqlnd => enabled
async_redis => enabled

Directive => Local Value => Master Value
swoole.enable_coroutine => On => On
swoole.enable_library => On => On
swoole.enable_fiber_mock => Off => Off
swoole.enable_preemptive_scheduler => Off => Off
swoole.display_errors => On => On
swoole.use_shortname => Off => Off
swoole.unixsock_buffer_size => 262144 => 262144


[WARNING] Hyperf\Engine\Exception\HttpClientException: Client no connection in /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/engine/src/Http/V2/Client.php:57
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/http2-client/src/Client.php(198): Hyperf\Engine\Http\V2\Client->recv(-1.0)
#1 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/kernel/Context/Coroutine.php(48): Hyperf\Http2Client\Client->Hyperf\Http2Client{closure}()
#2 [internal function]: Kernel\Context\Coroutine->Kernel\Context{closure}()
#3 {main}
[ERROR] Hyperf\Http2Client\Exception\ClientClosedException: http2 client send request failed caused by closed connection. in /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/http2-client/src/Client.php:86
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/http2-client/src/Client.php(131): Hyperf\Http2Client\Client->send(Object(Hyperf\Engine\Http\V2\Request))
#1 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/nacos/src/GrpcClient.php(110): Hyperf\Http2Client\Client->request(Object(Hyperf\Engine\Http\V2\Request))
#2 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/nacos/src/GrpcClient.php(297): Hyperf\Nacos\GrpcClient->request(Object(Hyperf\Nacos\Protobuf\Request\ServerCheckRequest))
#3 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/nacos/src/GrpcClient.php(176): Hyperf\Nacos\GrpcClient->serverCheck()
#4 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/nacos/src/GrpcClient.php(96): Hyperf\Nacos\GrpcClient->reconnect()
#5 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/nacos/src/GrpcFactory.php(41): Hyperf\Nacos\GrpcClient->__construct(Object(Hyperf\ConfigNacos\NacosClient), Object(Hyperf\Nacos\Config), Object(Hyperf\Di\Container), '', 'config')
#6 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/config-nacos/src/NacosDriver.php(53): Hyperf\Nacos\GrpcFactory->get('', 'config')
#7 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/config-center/src/Process/ConfigFetcherProcess.php(70): Hyperf\ConfigNacos\NacosDriver->createMessageFetcherLoop()
#8 /Users/jiyang/project/hyperf-curd/vendor/hyperf/process/src/AbstractProcess.php(101): Hyperf\ConfigCenter\Process\ConfigFetcherProcess->handle()
#9 [internal function]: Hyperf\Process\AbstractProcess->Hyperf\Process{closure}(Object(Swoole\Process))
#10 {main}