hyoban / unocss-preset-shadcn

Use shadcn ui with UnoCSS

Home Page:https://unocss-preset-shadcn.vercel.app

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[QUESTION] Vue Compatibility

go4cas opened this issue · comments

Cool preset! I tried to use this with a Vue 3 (Vite) app, but could not get it to work. When adding components, these are added as .tsx. Is there a guide to get this working with Vue components?

Are you using it with https://www.shadcn-vue.com ?

I haven't tried it yet, I will try it and create a demo.

Hi, I created a demo for shadcn-vue.

The key issue is that you need to add the following configuration to uno.config.ts, you can find updated setup steps in the readme.

content: {
  pipeline: {
    include: [

Thanks, @hyoban!

I have started over, using the updated README guide. Everything working well now, thanks!

The only addition I had to make was, adding the following to vite.config.js:

  resolve: {
    alias: {
      '@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),