hwchen / keyring-rs

Cross-platform library and utility to manage passwords

Repository from Github https://github.comhwchen/keyring-rsRepository from Github https://github.comhwchen/keyring-rs

iOS issues: empty passwords, undefined externals

brotskydotcom opened this issue · comments

There are two issues with the iOS keystore in v3 (aside from #187 which @tmpfs has been kind enough to fix):

  1. Retrieving an empty password/secret crashes. This is due to this issue in the security-framework code. I have submitted a PR to fix this but don't know when it will be picked up.
  2. Building and trying to link a static iOS library containing this crate leads to this error message due to this issue in the security-framework code (for which a PR has been merged but not released):

unsafe precondition(s) violated: slice::from_raw_parts requires the pointer to be aligned and non-null, and the total size of the slice not to exceed isize::MAX

In order to get a release out with the fix for #187, I am going to work around both these issues by using a stable fork of security-framework that fixes both of them.

Wonderfully, a new version (2.11.1) of security-framework was just released a few hours ago. So I can release version 3.0.2 with no iOS issues!!


Thanks @brotskydotcom , 3.0.2 is working for me on iOS and I get to remove security-framework from patch.crates-io 🚀