hvasbath / beat

Bayesian Earthquake Analysis Tool

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Error when running 'Sample Laquila --hypers'

Zilhe opened this issue · comments


Hello Hannes,
when I run the code "Sample Laquila --hypers
" in Scenario III, it appears the error:
config - INFO All hierarchicals ok!
config - INFO All hyperparameters ok!
config - INFO All priors ok!
models - INFO ... Initialising Geometry Optimizer ...

models - INFO Analysing problem ...
models - INFO ---------------------

geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic datasets: 2
geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic data points: 419
geodetic - WARNING Covariance estimation not implemented (yet)! Using imported covariances!
geodetic - INFO Initialising corrections ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zilong/pycharm-community-2020.3.3/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev/pydevd.py", line 1477, in _exec
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
File "/home/zilong/pycharm-community-2020.3.3/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/_pydev_execfile.py", line 18, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat_01.py", line 2120, in
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat_01.py", line 2105, in main
globals()'command_' + command
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat_01.py", line 911, in command_sample
project_dir, options.mode, options.hypers)
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/models/problems.py", line 875, in load_model
problem = problem_catalog[pc.mode](config, hypers)
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/models/problems.py", line 643, in init
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/models/geodetic.py", line 572, in init
gc, project_dir, sources, events, hypers=hypers)
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/models/geodetic.py", line 474, in init
gc, project_dir, events, hypers=hypers)
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/models/geodetic.py", line 115, in init
event=self.event, correction_configs=correction_configs)
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/heart.py", line 811, in setup_corrections
corr = corr_conf.init_correction()
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/config.py", line 793, in init_correction
File "/media/zilong/Disk1/Beat/example/beat/config.py", line 726, in check_consistency
'filled!' % self.feature)
AttributeError: Ramps correction is enabled, but dataset_names are empty! Either the correction needs to be disabled or the field "dataset_names" needs to be filled!

Can you give me some suggestions? Thank you very much. My config file is attached here


Sorry, the code I run is 'Sample Laquila2 --hypers' instead of 'Sample Laquila --hypers'

Dear Zilhe,
I edited your config file such that it should work, please see the "names" attribute of the SAR datatype and the dataset_names attribute under ramp correction.

Please let me know if the issue persists.


Thank you for your help. It runs well now.