huyhoang17 / fast-reid

SOTA ReID Methods

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


FastReID is a research platform that implements state-of-the-art re-identification algorithms.

Quick Start

The designed architecture follows this guide PyTorch-Project-Template, you can check each folder's purpose by yourself.

  1. cd to folder where you want to download this repo

  2. Run git clone

  3. Install dependencies:

  4. Prepare dataset Create a directory to store reid datasets under projects, for example

    cd fast-reid/projects/StrongBaseline
    mkdir datasets
    1. Download dataset to datasets/ from baidu pan or google driver
    2. Extract dataset. The dataset structure would like:
  5. Prepare pretrained model. If you use origin ResNet, you do not need to do anything. But if you want to use ResNet_ibn, you need to download pretrain model in here. And then you can put it in ~/.cache/torch/checkpoints or anywhere you like.

    Then you should set the pretrain model path in configs/baseline_market1501.yml.

  6. compile with cython to accelerate evalution

    cd fastreid/evaluation/rank_cylib; make all

Model Zoo and Baselines


SOTA ReID Methods


Language:Python 100.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%