hustvl / MapTR

[ICLR'23 Spotlight] MapTR: Structured Modeling and Learning for Online Vectorized HD Map Construction

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Fali to generate pretrainting dataset

Jiayiiiiiii502 opened this issue · comments

When I generate dataset, there is an error related to the mmcv. And it still fail to run(incompatibility) even i have updated mmcv to 2.0.0rc4. Can anyone help?

(maptr) root@autodl-container-08b111a452-b128e731:~/autodl-tmp/MapTR# python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0-mini --canbus ./data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/", line 6, in
from data_converter.create_gt_database import create_groundtruth_database
File "/root/autodl-tmp/MapTR/tools/data_converter/", line 11, in
from mmdet3d.core.bbox import box_np_ops as box_np_ops
File "/root/autodl-tmp/MapTR/mmdetection3d/mmdet3d/", line 21, in
assert (mmcv_version >= digit_version(mmcv_minimum_version)
AssertionError: MMCV==1.4.0 is used but incompatible. Please install mmcv>=2.0.0rc4, <2.1.0.

pip list | grep mm
comm 0.1.4
mmcv-full 1.4.0
mmdet 2.14.0
mmdet3d 0.17.2
mmengine 0.8.5
mmsegmentation 0.14.1
timm 0.9.5

pip list | grep torch
torch 1.10.0+cu113
torchaudio 0.10.0+rocm4.1
torchvision 0.11.0+cu113