huri000 / SwiftEntryKit

SwiftEntryKit is a presentation library for iOS. It can be used to easily display overlays within your iOS apps.

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Unable to use example project

junweimah opened this issue · comments

When I build the example project, I am getting "no such module 'QuickLayout' in the file EKMessageContentView.swift. And on the project navigator, I see a red "QuickLayout.xcodeproj".

What should I do here?

Hi @junweimah,
Since SwiftEntryKit supports Carthage, it imports QuickLayout (extenral dependency) as a submodule.
I still need to figure out the example project dependency issue, but -
What you can do in the meantime is installing Carthage:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

Then in the root directory just:

$ carthage update

Then open the workspace and QuickLayout should be there.
Let me know if that helps.

Thanks for the quick reply

I have been using cocoapod all this time.

Is it possible to fix this using cocoapod?

I'll try to follow your instruction and see whether I can make it work.

Thanks a lot

Sure and sorry for the inconvenience. What I’ve suggested is a temporary solution. The problem emanates from the project not finding QuickLayout in the searched path. You can still use CocoaPods to integrate SwiftEntryKit into your project. The issue is only when building the example project. I’ll look into it real soon. 🙂

Ok thanks.

Great, let me know if that helps.


It works now after following your temporary solutions of using carthage.

However I have to delete the SwiftEntryKitTest in Targets for it to run. There were some certificates and keys error.


Great great library by the way.

Great! I've updated the with the installation instructions of the example project.
In the meantime, let's keep the issue open. I'll post here the updates.

Thanks 😊

Great idea and thanks!

Keep up the good work!

@junweimah, I have an update and I'll love if you give it a try (if you can). 🙂
QuickLayout is imported via Carthage as a git-submodule so Carthage is basically taking care of updating the project git-submodules, when youcarthage update you simply clone SwiftEntryKit along with its submodules.

The solution is doing something identical using git, without the need of Carthage. Likewise:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

P.S: If you clone from url using git-client such as SourceTree, it automatically identifies submodules inside the project.

Good to hear!

I'll try it again tomorrow.

But I have to use Carthage? And normally I'll just download the zip from the root directory of this git, unzip it and open it up as a normal project (and pod install if required by the library). Is this way not available?

But I have to use Carthage?


But I have to use Carthage? And normally I'll just download the zip from the root directory of this git, unzip it and open it up as a normal project (and pod install if required by the library). Is this way not available?

That won't do because you won't be able to get QuickLayout and the project won't compile.

Once the issue is closed, I update the


I only tried using terminal, but not sourcetree

I tried using this link : $ git clone --recurse-submodules like you said in terminal, get the project, and now I am seeing QuickLayout project in the project navigator.

And after a carthage update in the root directory, I am getting the example project to run.

But however isn't this the same as what I did earlier to get it to work?

Hi @junweimah,
You need to only do $ git clone --recurse-submodules
No need to use carthage at all. The QuickLayout submodule is inside ./Carthage/Checkouts so the clone submodules command is cloning sub repositories for you instead of Carthage.

I see.

I just tried to do that again, using terminal, without carthage update, and it works!

I guess you can close this issue now.


Super! Thanks for the help!

Hi huri000,
Thank you for this great library. But I'm getting following error after I installed example project using git clone command. I'm using cocoa pods.
git clone --recurse-submodules

public typealias QLAttribute = NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute ('Attribute' is not a member type of 'NSLayoutConstraint')
public typealias QLRelation = NSLayoutConstraint.Relation ('Relation' is not a member type of 'NSLayoutConstraint')

Please help! Thanks in advance.

Hi! SwiftEntryKit latest version is updated to work with Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2. You can review the CHANGLOG and install an earlier version (0.7.2 or any lower) or alternatively, use Xcode 10.
Let me know if that works for you.

Hi huri000,
Thank you for the response. I tried updating Xcode and then it worked. Thanks a lot again.!

Hi @huri000

Thanks for awsome library. I was able to build using the git clone method. It would be nice if any person downlaoded using the download zip method and project worked :)

Can you tell me how can i run example project for swift 4?

Anyway, great work and Thanks

Hi Awias,
Please find below the zip file, which is working example of the SwiftEntryKit. Let me know if its works.

git clone --recurse-submodules

Hi @huri000

I tried this method but still issue of Quick layout not found.
How ever i successfully compiled using the code given by @ktkanishka above


Hi Awias,
Please find below the zip file, which is working example of the SwiftEntryKit. Let me know if its works.

Thanks @ktkanishka

I was able to compile successfully

What do you have to compile to get this work?
screenshot 2019-02-26 at 09 14 35

Anyone have any luck with this lately? Tried all the suggestions but wasn't able to get it to work :(

I was able to resolve by

  1. install via cocoapods
  2. carthage update
  3. open xcworkspace in Example folder
  4. Clean Build Folder (Shift+Command+K)
  5. Build