huntwj / a-star-for-async-data

The goal of this package is to provide a flexible implementation of the A* search algorithm that allows for asynchronous data sources. Instead of requiring the entire graph to be in memory or even that graph data be immediately returned, we can search on a graph while allowing data to trickle in however slow it may be.

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A* Search for Async Data

The goal of this package is to provide a flexible implementation of the A* search algorithm that allows for asynchronous data sources. Instead of requiring the entire graph to be in memory or even that graph data be immediately returned, we can search on a graph while allowing data to trickle in however slow it may be.


Basic Import

// ES6
import Astar from 'a-star-for-async-data';

// require
var Astar = require('a-star-for-async-data');

Defining the datasource callbacks

There are two callbacks used to configure the search object. These are used for all path finding operations on a given search object. The first, exitArcsForNodeId is required, and the second, h is optional.

(There will be a third potential callback, but it is not used when constructing the search object.)

The exit edges function


This callback should return/resolve an array of arcs (edges) leaving a given node.

Be sure to format the data properly. The returned/resolved data should be an iterable collection (such as an array) of edge objects. Each edge object should have at least from, to, and cost members. Other data will be preserved, so you are welcome to annotate these to your heart's content. If you have an existing data model, you could just add a property pointing back to the original object.

Note: All node IDs are stringified, so be sure to use strings or values that convert easily intro strings without collision. (We still do not change the data in your edge objects, even if they are not strings.)

function customEdgeLookupFunc(nodeId) {
	return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
		// Do some (possibly expensive) IO to get the data...
		// then return it in digestible form...
		// Extra data is preserved.
		var edges = [
			// 0 or more of these objects.
			    // You can add other data here such as a link back
			    // to the original model data. But you must at least
			    // have:
			    from: fromNodeId
			    to: toNodeId,
			    cost: edgeCost

The heuristic function


The heuristic function should return a number estimating the minimum cost to travel from the given node to a goal state. See a good resource on the A* algorithm for help in what constitutes a good heuristic function. (A bad one can pretty much ruin the search.)

The short story is that you want a heuristic that gets as close to the real path cost without actually going over. For those familiar with American television game shows, think, "The Price is Right," only it's "The Cost is Right" instead. Estimating closer to the real value provides a faster search, but if the heuristic can ever guess too high, then you are not guaranteed to get the optimal (lowest-cost) solution.

function customHeuristicFunc(nodeId) {
	// If you return 0 always, A* devolves into a standard
	// Dijkstra algorithm.
	return 0;

Instantiate the search alrorithm with your custom callbacks

Pass an object with the callback functions to the constructor. Note that the heuristic function h is optional. If none is provided a default zero heuristic is used. These results in the search acting just like a vanilla Dijkstra search.

var mySearch = new Astar({
	exitArcsForNodeId: customEdgeLookupFunc,
	h:                 customHeuristicFunc

Perform the search

A specific path search is initiated with a starting node ID and a goal state. The goal state can be either another node ID, in which case only that node will match as the goal, or it can be a function allowing you full control over the matching. (You could provide a custom check on some property of the node to see if it matches.) The findPath(startId, goal) function returns a Promise that resolves when the search is complete.

Searching for an explicit goal node ID
// Search by explicit nodeId
mySearch.findPath(startId, targetId)
    .then(function (path)) {
    	// path is an object that looks like:
    	// path = {
    	//   cost: <fullCostOfPath>,
    	//   path: <arrayOfEdges>
		// }
    }).catch(function (reason) {
    	if (reason === "No path to goal") {
    		// This is pedestrian...
    	} else {
    		// This is not...
Searching with a custom goal function

We can also search with a custom goal checking function. As with the other functions, this can be implemented asynchronously using a Promise.

// Return a boolean or a Promise of a boolean
function nodeIsAwesome(nodeId) {
	return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
		lookupNodeFromId(nodeId).then(function (node) {
			let isAwesomeEnough = (node.awesomeSauceRating > 5);
		}).catch(function (reason) {

mySearch.findPath(startId, nodeIsAwesome)
    .then(function (path))


I needed a search algorithm that would work with the SQLite library. That library does not provide synchronous data lookup, so it was unsuited for the existing A* implementations that were either fully synchronous or provided an asynchronous calling mechanism but still depended on synchronous callbacks to the data.


The goal of this package is to provide a flexible implementation of the A* search algorithm that allows for asynchronous data sources. Instead of requiring the entire graph to be in memory or even that graph data be immediately returned, we can search on a graph while allowing data to trickle in however slow it may be.


Language:TypeScript 99.5%Language:JavaScript 0.5%