hunspell / hunspell

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hunspell with mutliple dictionaries on macos

ChauhanT opened this issue · comments


I want to use flyspell with a hunspell backed. I prefer hunspell because it offers multilanguage dictionaries which can be very useful for me. My configuration is:

(setq +v/LANG "en_GB"
      +v/DICPATH "/Users/tc/Library/Spelling/"
      +v/MULTIDIC "en_GB,en_US,de_DE")

(use-package flyspell
  :straight t
  :after ispell
  ;; Set the locale for the dictionary
  (if (string-equal system-type "darwin")
      (setenv "DICTIONARY" "en_GB"))
  (setenv "LANG" +v/LANG)

  ;; Dictionary path
  (setenv "DICPATH" +v/DICPATH)
  ;; Use hunspell
  (setq ispell-program-name "hunspell")
  (setq ispell-really-hunspell t)

  ;; ispell-set-spellchecker-params has to be called
  ;; before ispell-hunspell-add-multi-dic will work

  ;; Declare a multi-language dictionary and switch to it
  (ispell-hunspell-add-multi-dic +v/MULTIDIC)
  (ispell-change-dictionary +v/MULTIDIC t))

However, this does not work. My dictionary folder is populated like so:

❯ tree ~/Library/Spelling
├── dynamic-counts.dat
├── en_GB.aff
├── en_GB.dic
├── en_US.aff
├── en_US.dic
├── fr_FR.aff
├── fr_FR.dic
├── it_IT.aff
└── it_IT.dic

1 directory, 9 files

While hunspell is detected, it fails to detect any dictionary :( I test this like so:

❯ hunspell
Hunspell 1.7.2
# welcome 0

# test 0

# sadness 0

I am on macos 13.3.1. Any help/trick/ideas ? It's totally driving me up the wall.

What does:

hunspell -D 2>&1|less

report?, to check what paths it is searching, and what it claims to find

Ah yes. Sorry should have reported that. I had made sure it was finding the right path before reporting this. The output is:

❯ hunspell -D
AVAILABLE DICTIONARIES (path is not mandatory for -d option):

And I also confirmed I'm not running some other binary by:

❯ which hunspell

❯ /opt/homebrew/bin/hunspell -d en_GB
Hunspell 1.7.2
# work 0

# sadness 0