humhub / twofa

Increase security within your network by adding an additional authentication method besides username and password.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TBOT passwords cannot be enabled in versions 1.0.1 and 1.0.2

smashm opened this issue · comments

I use the module since 1.0 and after the updates »Time-based one-time passwords« is disabled and there is no chance to enable it. (I'v updated to 1.0.1 a few days ago, but didn't notice, that this behavior obviously started with that version.)

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-11 um 09 41 36

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-11 um 09 41 55

I've tested in on two different systems, both HH 1.8.2, with PHP 8.0.5 and PHP7.4.9. All caches cleared, original community theme, different browsers. Even after a complete deinstalling and a fresh 1.0.2 install it doesn't work. Only working way is to use v 1.0.

@smashm Did you install the module via our Marketplace or GitHub? With GitHub you probably have to install the Composer Depedencies.

@luke- In both cases directly from the marketplace.

@luke- The TBOT passwords driver is disabled if composer files are not found, I installed them manually by run composer install from the module folder. Should I implement to install them automatically somehow when the module is installed from Marketplace?

Should be fixed with: 70ccc94