humank / aws-lambda-web-container-lab

This is the step by step instruction to guide java developers to deploy the containerized application to Lambda runtime.

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Serverless Lambda Container Lab instruction

The note will demonstrate how to leverage AWS Lambda Container runtime to run legacy Java Spring boot application. In order to simplify the efforts of re-engineering, we will use the lambda-web-adapter library to proxy the requests and route to the backend containerized Java application. The overall architecture will rely on API Gateway, Lambda function, and IAM appropriate policy settings.

Reference Lab :

Lab instructions

1 - Create Cloud 9 on AWS Console

We have to visit the event engine portal and login. After login successfully, we have to do some essential tools installation and update.

Update all of the lib distributions repository. 

$ sudo yum -y update
AWS CLI V2 installation

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

after the installation completed, close the terminal and restart a new one, then check the AWS CLI version by :

aws --version You should get the result :

aws-cli/2.11.15 Python/3.11.3 Linux/4.14.311-233.529.amzn2.x86_64 exe/x86_64.amzn.2 prompt/off

Check AWS SAM-CLI version

$ sam --version

You should get: SAM CLI, version 1.72.0

Check Java --version

$ Java --version

By default, this should be Corretto-
Maven installation

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo
sudo sed -i s/\$releasever/6/g /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo
sudo yum install -y apache-maven

Check Mave version

mvn --version

you should got : Apache Maven 3.5.2 (138edd61fd100ec658bfa2d307c43b76940a5d7d; 2017-10-18T07:58:13Z)

2—Download the sample Code

make sure your current path is under ~/environment .

$ git clone

Today, we are going to build the sample from spring boot, change directory to

cd /home/ec2-user/environment/aws-lambda-web-adapter/examples/springboot

3—Deal with the container prerequisite

$ aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

Go build the container

$ sam build

4 - Deploy the docker image on lambda

sam deploy --guided

System detected that you don’t have the ECR repository created, suggest to create one to persist the images.

System generated the necessary resources definition code, and request your approval to create

Deployed result :

5—Test the deployed application


Result :

[{"id":"18a7a589-84bc-44a3-a8cc-b414c29dac14","breed":"Jack Russell Terrier","name":"Lily","dateOfBirth":1595385737174},{"id":"849baad5-6e02-467c-8fce-c7d4413f5674","breed":"Afghan Hound","name":"Harley","dateOfBirth":1248576137174},{"id":"27d0e7e8-3233-43b3-8034-2e773e04dd43","breed":"Jack Russell Terrier","name":"Max","dateOfBirth":1398912137174},{"id":"b0cfee67-48c2-460b-ace6-49a610a471db","breed":"Bernese Mountain Dog","name":"Angel","dateOfBirth":1211596937174},{"id":"f4d7249a-9883-4edb-ab98-0b7109f3bc34","breed":"Beagle","name":"Ginger","dateOfBirth":1544496137174},{"id":"7a5bb7d9-471c-4985-b52c-0657e79f9014","breed":"Bloodhound","name":"Lily","dateOfBirth":1444185737174},{"id":"ed879a8e-c4c3-4442-ac04-363af87cea7f","breed":"Dalmatian","name":"Zoe","dateOfBirth":1400899337174},{"id":"bf4e10d0-3b44-4c78-bee2-8bbf1e7002d2","breed":"Beagle","name":"Gracie","dateOfBirth":1282012937174},{"id":"27210507-d96b-4ad4-a8cb-a20df59348d5","breed":"Bloodhound","name":"Sadie","dateOfBirth":1336012937175},{"id":"265ae405-b987-483a-9852-f53c2a3c5b63","breed":"Afghan Hound","name":"Lily","dateOfBirth":1218422537175}]

6 - Run container locally test

docker run -d -p 8080:8080

then test

curl localhost:8080/pets 


This is the step by step instruction to guide java developers to deploy the containerized application to Lambda runtime.

License:MIT License