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:clock3: Run periodic tasks in Crystal

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schedule tasks based on the clock like cron

coderhs opened this issue · comments

I would very much like to see these features in this project, as I am building a custom scheduler to replace cron bases scheduling in our rails application and I feel crystal with would be the best fit to build the tool.

In cron we can schedule task like run every hour, every 5 minutes. These task run at the start of the hours and every 5 minute based on clock, which makes the system more predictable. So If its set to run every hour, I know that it supposes to run at 1 PM (the start of next hour) and not 1 hour from now. So I propose we add a new method so that we can schedule task based on the clock.

run_every(1, :hour), run_every(5, :minute) - which runs based on the clock.

If this enhancement is fine, then I will add this feature to this library and send a PR.

Hi @coderhs!

This feature is similar to the one requested on #3 and I would appreciate very much a PR 😄

I want to discuss the API first. I liked the method suggested on the former issue (based on whenever gem), thus we could have the following:

every :hour do
  # something that is triggered at 06:00, 07:00, 08:00...

every :sunday, at: "14:40:00" do
  # something that is triggered on sundays at 14:40:00...

every :hour, at: ["05:00", "10:00", "15:00"] do
  # something that is triggered every hour at the given minutes

I'm thinking how to implement this and probably we need to start scheduling the task to the next event (sleep(next - and then rescheduling after each executed task. To calculate the events based on clock we can use Crystal's methods at_end_of_*. Did you think in a better way?

This is a relatively big enhacement, given the simplicity of this shard, and we can start with baby steps, maybe implementing a way to use every :hour for example.

Does this fits in your use case or did I understand wrong?

Yes, thats what I meant. I will create a PR for every(:hour) and we will start with baby steps. I feel like, I should overload the existing every method, to a new method and have our logic there.

Or we create a new interval method, which accepts all the arguments and then make a decision on when the next job is to be executed. In which case I feel we can support all the above types.

So I agree with your suggestion of baby step, I will send a PR soon for the every(:hour)

You can overload the method like below and write your logic there (make use of private methods as you wish).

def self.every(interval : Symbol, &block)

For the specs I suggest to take a look at shard, which can help with Time mocking, or use any other way you think is better.

Thanks @coderhs 😃

This seems to be a better timecop library. as it allows travel.