Hugmeir / crypt-nacl-sodium

Crypt::NaCl::Sodium - NaCl compatible modern, easy-to-use library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more

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    Crypt::NaCl::Sodium - NaCl compatible modern, easy-to-use library for
    encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more


        use Crypt::NaCl::Sodium qw( :utils );

        my $crypto = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->new();

        ## Secret-key cryptography

        # Secret-key authenticated encryption (XSalsa20/Poly1305 MAC)
        my $crypto_secretbox = $crypto->secretbox();

        # Secret-key message authentication (HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA512, HMAC-SHA512/256 )
        my $crypto_auth = $crypto->auth();

        # Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (ChaCha20/Poly1305 MAC, AES256-GCM)
        my $crypto_aead = $crypto->aead();

        ## Public-key cryptography

        # Public-key authenticated encryption (Curve25519/XSalsa20/Poly1305 MAC)
        my $crypto_box = $crypto->box();

        # Public-key signatures (Ed25519)
        my $crypto_sign = $crypto->sign();

        ## Hashing

        # Generic hashing (Blake2b)
        my $crypto_generichash = $crypto->generichash();

        # Short-input hashing (SipHash-2-4)
        my $crypto_shorthash = $crypto->shorthash();

        ## Password hashing (yescrypt)

        my $crypto_pwhash = $crypto->pwhash();

        ## Advanced

        # SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-512)
        my $crypto_hash = $crypto->hash();

        # One-time authentication (Poly1305)
        my $crypto_onetimeauth = $crypto->onetimeauth();

        # Diffie-Hellman (Curve25519)
        my $crypto_scalarmult = $crypto->scalarmult();

        # Stream ciphers (XSalsa20, ChaCha20, Salsa20, AES-128-CTR)
        my $crypto_stream = $crypto->stream();

        ## Utilities

        # convert binary data to hexadecimal
        my $hex = bin2hex($bin);

        # convert hexadecimal to binary
        my $bin = hex2bin($hex);

        # constant time comparision of strings
        memcmp($a, $b, $length ) or die '$a ne $b';

        # constant time comparision of large numbers
        compare($x, $y, $length ) == -1 and print '$x < $y';

        # overwrite with null bytes
        memzero($a, $b, ...);

        # generate random number
        my $num = random_number($upper_bound);

        # generate random bytes
        my $bytes = random_bytes($count);

        ## Guarded data storage

        my $locker = Data::BytesLocker->new($password);
        print $locker->to_hex();

    Crypt::NaCl::Sodium provides bindings to libsodium - NaCl compatible
    modern, easy-to-use library for encryption, decryption, signatures,
    password hashing and more.

    It is a portable, cross-compilable, installable, packageable fork of
    NaCl <>, with a compatible API, and an extended API
    to improve usability even further.

    Its goal is to provide all of the core operations needed to build
    higher-level cryptographic tools.

    The design choices emphasize security, and "magic constants" have clear

    And despite the emphasis on high security, primitives are faster
    across-the-board than most implementations of the NIST standards.

    Crypt::NaCl::Sodium uses Alien::Sodium that tracks the most current
    releases of libsodium.

        my $crypto = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->new();

    Returns a proxy object for methods provided below.

        # Secret-key authenticated encryption (XSalsa20/Poly1305 MAC)
        my $crypto_secretbox = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->secretbox();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::secretbox for more details.

        # Secret-key authentication (HMAC-SHA512/256 and advanced usage of HMAC-SHA-2)
        my $crypto_auth = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->auth();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::auth for more details.

        # Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (ChaCha20/Poly1305 MAC, AES256-GCM)
        my $crypto_aead = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->aead();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::aead for more details.

        # Public-key authenticated encryption (Curve25519/XSalsa20/Poly1305 MAC)
        my $crypto_box = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->box();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::box for more details.

        # Public-key signatures (Ed25519)
        my $crypto_sign = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->sign();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::sign for more details.

        # Generic hashing (Blake2b)
        my $crypto_generichash = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->generichash();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::generichash for more details.

        # Short-input hashing (SipHash-2-4)
        my $crypto_shorthash = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->shorthash();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::shorthash for more details.

        # Password hashing (yescrypt)
        my $crypto_pwhash = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->pwhash();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::pwhash for more details.

        # SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-512)
        my $crypto_hash = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->hash();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::hash for more details.

        # One-time authentication (Poly1305)
        my $crypto_onetimeauth = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->onetimeauth();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::onetimeauth for more details.

        # Diffie-Hellman (Curve25519)
        my $crypto_scalarmult = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->scalarmult();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::scalarmult for more details.

        # Stream ciphers (XSalsa20, ChaCha20, Salsa20, AES-128-CTR)
        my $crypto_stream = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->stream();

    Read Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::stream for more details.

        use Crypt::NaCl::Sodium qw(:utils);

    Imports all provided functions.

        my $hex = bin2hex($bin);

    Returns converted $bin into a hexadecimal string.

        my $hex = "41 : 42 : 43";
        my $bin = hex2bin($hex, ignore => ": ", max_len => 2 );
        print $bin; # AB

    Parses a hexadecimal string $hex and converts it to a byte sequence.

    Optional arguments:

    *   ignore

        A string of characters to skip. For example, the string ": " allows
        columns and spaces to be present at any locations in the hexadecimal
        string. These characters will just be ignored.

        If unset any non-hexadecimal characters are disallowed.

    *   max_len

        The maximum number of bytes to return.

    The parser stops when a non-hexadecimal, non-ignored character is found
    or when "max_len" bytes have been written.

        memcmp($a, $b, $length ) or die "\$a ne \$b for length: $length";

    Compares strings in constant-time. Returns true if they match, false

    The argument $length is optional if variables are of the same length.
    Otherwise it is required and cannot be greater then the length of the
    shorter of compared variables.

    NOTE: "memcmp" in Data::BytesLocker provides the same functionality.

        $locker->memcmp($b, $length) or die "\$locker ne \$b for length: $length";

        compare($x, $y, $length ) == -1 and print '$x < $y';

    A constant-time version of "memcmp", useful to compare nonces and
    counters in little-endian format, that plays well with "increment".

    Returns -1 if $x is lower then $y, 0 if $x and $y are identical, or 1 if
    $x is greater then $y. Both $x and $y are assumed to be numbers encoded
    in little-endian format.

    The argument $length is optional if variables are of the same length.
    Otherwise it is required and cannot be greater then the length of the
    shorter of compared variables.

    NOTE: "compare" in Data::BytesLocker provides the same functionality.

        $locker->compare($y, $length) == -1 and print "\$locker < \$y for length: $length";

        memzero($a, $b, ...);

    Replaces the value of the provided stringified variables with "null"
    bytes. Length of the zeroed variables is unchanged.

        my $num = random_number($upper_bound);

    Returns an unpredictable number between 0 and optional $upper_bound
    (excluded). If $upper_bound is not specified the maximum value is
    0xffffffff (included).

        increment($nonce, ...);

    NOTE: This function is deprecated and will be removed in next version.
    Please use "increment" in Data::BytesLocker.

    Increments an arbitrary long unsigned number(s) (in place). Function
    runs in constant-time for a given length of arguments and considers them
    to be encoded in little-endian format.

        my $bytes = random_bytes($num_of_bytes);

    Generates unpredictable sequence of $num_of_bytes bytes.

    The length of the $bytes equals the value of $num_of_bytes.

    Returns Data::BytesLocker object.

        use Crypt::NaCl::Sodium;
        $Data::BytesLocker::DEFAULT_LOCKED = 1;

    By default all values returned from the provided methods are unlocked
    Data::BytesLocker objects. If this variable is set to true then the
    returned objects are locked and require calling "unlock" in
    Data::BytesLocker before accessing.

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::secretbox - Secret-key authenticated encryption
        (XSalsa20/Poly1305 MAC)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::auth - Secret-key message authentication
        (HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA512, HMAC-SHA512/256 )

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::aead - Authenticated Encryption with Additional
        Data (ChaCha20/Poly1305 MAC, AES256-GCM)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::box - Public-key authenticated encryption
        (Curve25519/XSalsa20/Poly1305 MAC)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::sign - Public-key signatures (Ed25519)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::generichash - Generic hashing (Blake2b)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::shorthash - Short-input hashing (SipHash-2-4)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::pwhash - Password hashing (yescrypt)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::hash - SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-512)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::onetimeauth - One-time authentication

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::scalarmult - Diffie-Hellman (Curve25519)

    *   Crypt::NaCl::Sodium::stream - Stream ciphers (XSalsa20, ChaCha20,
        Salsa20, AES-128-CTR)

    *   Data::BytesLocker - guarded data storage

    *   libsodium <> - libsodium

    Alex J. G. Burzyński <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Alex J. G. Burzyński

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Crypt::NaCl::Sodium - NaCl compatible modern, easy-to-use library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more


Language:Perl 56.8%Language:C 23.7%Language:XS 19.5%