hughsk / flat

:steam_locomotive: Flatten/unflatten nested Javascript objects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Conversion Problem

dayres opened this issue · comments


It may just be me doing something stupid however I'm converting the following:

{ app_preferences: { test: 1 }, settings: { network: { appnetwork: { device: '/dev/eth1' }, devnetwork: { device: '/dev/eth0' } } } }

The object flatten is producing is this:


Code being used:

const fs = require('fs');

var flatten = require('flat');

var loadconfig = fs.readFileSync('config.json');

var config_params = flatten(loadconfig);

console.log("%j", config_params);



I end up with the same output.

Check the encoding of your file is UTF-8 not UTF-16.

By the way, you can just require('config.json'), node can read json files natively.

I've decided to fork and republish as I get the feeling that this project is abandoned.

I've re-released as flatley. If your problem isn't fixed by my version - open an Issue there (ideally with a reproduction) and I'll do my best to fix it.


As mentioned before please ensure your file is encoded in the UTF-8 format.