hughsk / flat

:steam_locomotive: Flatten/unflatten nested Javascript objects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

There is no 4.1.1 on npm

xPaw opened this issue · comments

warning mocha > yargs-unparser > flat@4.1.0: Fixed a prototype pollution security issue in 4.1.0, please upgrade to ^4.1.1 or ^5.0.1.

But there is no 4.1.1 to update to.

Same is true of 4.1.2

same here, any news?

@timoxley can you please comment on that?

Fixed. My bad, pushed tag to github but didn't publish to npm. 4.1.1 published + all other versions with previous prototype pollution fix.

Same is true of 4.1.2

There was never a 4.1.2.

@timoxley latest now points to 3.0.1 instead of 5.0.2 :o

Ugh I thought npm fixed that so it wouldn't update the latest tag to an older version. Maybe I just dreamed that.

Will fix