hughperkins / pytorch

Python wrappers for torch and lua

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Jupyter notebook dies

lpuglia opened this issue · comments


If i try to do even the most basic thing into a ipython notebook:

import PyTorch

The notebook dies:

The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.

But the import (and all the other functionality) works good in a normal python terminal, any idea why this is happening?

No clue. I guess it might be something related to sys.path perhaps? I dont have time to look unfortunately. If it was me, I think I'd try importing lower level things, and work my way up. Maybe sprinkle the import sections of the code liberally with print statements, so I can see where it dies.

(like, I guess something like, at some point the underlying compiled .so gets imported, fails somehow, dies)


Ok, i checked the jupyter log and I got:

PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (module 'torch' not found:
        no field package.preload['torch']
        no file '/home/lpuglia/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/torch.lua'
        no file '/home/lpuglia/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/torch/init.lua'
        no file '/opt/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch.lua'
        no file '/opt/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/init.lua'
        no file './torch.lua'
        no file '/opt/torch/install/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta1/torch.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/torch.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/torch/init.lua'
        no file '/opt/torch/install/lib/'
        no file '/home/lpuglia/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/opt/torch/install/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file './'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/')

This is weird since it works good on the normal terminal


Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
I should have tried this before opening an issue :D