huggingface / nanotron

Minimalistic large language model 3D-parallelism training

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Question] Modification for Performing Fine-Tuning

allanj opened this issue · comments

If I'm trying to perform fine-tuning instead of language model training, for the following requirements:

  1. Given the input ids $x$, train the loss of the output sequence $y$. Different from LM training, I don't enforce loss on the input tokens here.

I think I have to modify the

  1. The packing function by group_texts seems not applicable as I'm fine-tuning here. (but maybe this is minor concern)
  2. How to disable the loss on the input tokens? I think I need a different collator rather than DataCollatorForCLM.

I'm not sure this should be all modifications? Or are there better suggestions that I do not have to revise the source code.

I need this feature too and I believe we need to shard pretrained checkpoints into nanotron format.

I need this feature too and I believe we need to shard pretrained checkpoints into nanotron format.

That seems a different problem. Am I understanding it correctly? are you talking about the model checkpoint format?

Should I just modify the input mask?