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[Metrics] Can't find / acquire lock files in distributed multi-node shared file system

Natooz opened this issue · comments


I'm facing an issue when calling .compute in distributed multi-node setting.
The symptoms are the same as in huggingface/datasets#4420 , however I'm not sure the cause is the same (the code modification did not solve the issue, but I didn't try lockf)


  • evaluate v0.4.0
  • PyTorch v2.0.1
  • 2 nodes of 8 GPUs each (16 processes), with shared file system
  • script called with torchrun from SLURM

I get the following errors:

For processes on the first node (0-7, here 4 is reported):

[node1:4]:ValueError: Couldn't acquire lock on /.hf_cache/metrics/accuracy/default/exp-16-rdv.lock from process 4.

For processes on the second node (8-15, here 15 is reported):

[node2:7]:ValueError: Expected to find locked file /.hf_cache/metrics/accuracy/default/exp-16-0.arrow.lock from process 15 but it doesn't exist.

All metrics are loaded with the same experiment_id, and with the correct num_process and process_id arguments.
And of course all the files are present in the cache directory.

I really don't know how to further debug / solve this bug. Do you have any clue ?
It working properly in distributed mono-node setting.

cc @lhoestq

Any news respect to this issue? Experimenting same behaviour during multinode training with a shared filesystem.


The lock mechanism is based on the filelock package. Right now evaluate requires a filesystem compatible with filelock. But feel free to ask filelock authors and community if there's a way to make it work on your filesystem.