huggingface / chat-ui

Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app

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Release chat-ui chart via a chart repository

wilfriedroset opened this issue · comments

Deploying chat-ui on k8s with the chart. It seems quite new as the version is 0.0.0-latest but I trust it will evolve with time.
To further facilitate adoption I believe releasing the chart via a chart repository would be great. With that a user could do:

helm repo add huggingface
helm install chat-ui huggingface/chat-ui [--namespace llm]

And to pull the latest change a user could simply rely on helm

helm repo update

Without it, users need to git clone huggingface/chat-ui and use this local repository.
Alternatively if the deployment if fully as code users need to have a submodule

p.s: Thank you for the chart