hugelgupf / dhcp

DHCPv6 and DHCPv4 packet library, client and server written in Go

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DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 decoding/encoding library with client and server code, written in Go.

How to get the library

The library is split into several parts:

  • dhcpv6: implementation of DHCPv6 packet, client and server
  • dhcpv4: implementation of DHCPv4 packet, client and server
  • netboot: network booting wrappers on top of dhcpv6 and dhcpv4
  • iana: several IANA constants, and helpers used by dhcpv6 and dhcpv4
  • rfc1035label: simple implementation of RFC1035 labels, used by dhcpv6 and dhcpv4
  • interfaces, a thin layer of wrappers around network interfaces

You will probably only need dhcpv6 and/or dhcpv4 explicitly. The rest is pulled in automatically if necessary.

So, to get dhcpv6 and dhpv4 just run:

go get -u{4,6}


The sections below will illustrate how to use the dhcpv6 and dhcpv4 packages.

See more example code at

DHCPv6 client

To run a DHCPv6 transaction on the interface "eth0":

package main

import (


func main() {
	// NewClient sets up a new DHCPv6 client with default values
	// for read and write timeouts, for destination address and listening
	// address
	client := dhcpv6.NewClient()

	// Exchange runs a Solicit-Advertise-Request-Reply transaction on the
	// specified network interface, and returns a list of DHCPv6 packets
	// (a "conversation") and an error if any. Notice that Exchange may
	// return a non-empty packet list even if there is an error. This is
	// intended, because the transaction may fail at any point, and we
	// still want to know what packets were exchanged until then.
	// A default Solicit packet will be used during the "conversation",
	// which can be manipulated by using modifiers.
	conversation, err := client.Exchange("eth0")

	// Summary() prints a verbose representation of the exchanged packets.
	for _, packet := range conversation {
	// error handling is done *after* printing, so we still print the
	// exchanged packets if any, as explained above.
	if err != nil {

DHCPv6 packet crafting and manipulation

package main

import (


func main() {
	// In this example we create and manipulate a DHCPv6 solicit packet
	// and encapsulate it in a relay packet. To to this, we use
	// `dhcpv6.DHCPv6Message` and `dhcpv6.DHCPv6Relay`, two structures
	// that implement the `dhcpv6.DHCPv6` interface.
	// Then print the wire-format representation of the packet.

	// Create the DHCPv6 Solicit first, using the interface "eth0"
	// to get the MAC address
	msg, err := dhcpv6.NewSolicitForInterface("eth0")
	if err != nil {

	// In this example I want to redact the MAC address of my
	// network interface, so instead of replacing it manually,
	// I will show how to use modifiers for the purpose.
	// A Modifier is simply a function that can be applied on
	// a DHCPv6 object to manipulate it. Here we use it to
	// replace the MAC address with a dummy one.
	// Modifiers can be passed to many functions, for example
	// to constructors, `Exchange()`, `Solicit()`, etc. Check
	// the source code to know where to use them.
	// Existing modifiers are implemented in dhcpv6/modifiers.go .
	mac, err := net.ParseMAC("00:fa:ce:b0:0c:00")
	if err != nil {
	duid := dhcpv6.Duid{
		Type:          dhcpv6.DUID_LLT,
		HwType:        iana.HwTypeEthernet,
		Time:          dhcpv6.GetTime(),
		LinkLayerAddr: mac,
	// As suggested above, an alternative is to call
	// dhcpv6.NewSolicitForInterface("eth0", dhcpv6.WithCLientID(duid))
	msg = dhcpv6.WithClientID(duid)(msg)

	// Now encapsulate the message in a DHCPv6 relay.
	// As per RFC3315, the link-address and peer-address have
	// to be set by the relay agent. We use dummy values here.
	linkAddr := net.ParseIP("2001:0db8::1")
	peerAddr := net.ParseIP("2001:0db8::2")
	relay, err := dhcpv6.EncapsulateRelay(msg, dhcpv6.MessageTypeRelayForward, linkAddr, peerAddr)
	if err != nil {

	// Print a verbose representation of the relay packet, that will also
	// show a short representation of the inner Solicit message.
	// To print a detailed summary of the inner packet, extract it
	// first from the relay using `relay.GetInnerMessage()`.

	// And finally, print the bytes that would be sent on the wire

	// Note: there are many more functions in the library, check them
	// out in the source code. For example, if you want to decode a
	// byte stream into a DHCPv6 message or relay, you can use
	// `dhcpv6.FromBytes`.

The output (slightly modified for readability) is

$ go run main.go
2018/11/08 13:56:31 DHCPv6Relay
  options=[OptRelayMsg{relaymsg=DHCPv6Message(messageType=SOLICIT transactionID=0x9e0242, 4 options)}]

2018/11/08 13:56:31 [12 0 32 1 13 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 32 1 13 184
                     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 0 52 1 158 2 66 0 1 0 14
                     0 1 0 1 35 118 253 15 0 250 206 176 12 0 0 6 0 4 0 23
                     0 24 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 12 250 206 176 12 0 0 14 16 0
                     0 21 24]

DHCPv6 server

A DHCPv6 server requires the user to implement a request handler. Basically the user has to provide the logic to answer to each packet. The library offers a few facilities to forge response packets, e.g. NewAdvertiseFromSolicit, NewReplyFromDHCPv6Message and so on. Look at the source code to see what's available.

An example server that will print (but not reply to) the client's request is shown below:

package main

import (


func handler(conn net.PacketConn, peer net.Addr, m dhcpv6.DHCPv6) {
        // this function will just print the received DHCPv6 message, without replying

func main() {
        laddr := net.UDPAddr{
                IP:   net.ParseIP("::1"),
                Port: dhcpv6.DefaultServerPort,
        server := dhcpv6.NewServer(laddr, handler)

        defer server.Close()
        if err := server.ActivateAndServe(); err != nil {

DHCPv4 client


DHCPv4 packet parsing


DHCPv4 server


Public projects that use it


DHCPv6 and DHCPv4 packet library, client and server written in Go

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Go 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%