hube12 / DecompilerMC

This repository allows you to decompile any minecraft version that was published after 19w36a without any 3rd party mappings, you just need to execute the script or the executable (see releases)! Thanks mojang to have published proguard mappings

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Special source doesnt apply to /Statedefinition$Builder$add

hube12 opened this issue · comments


public Builder<O, S> a(Property<?> ... arrproperty) { for (Property<?> property : arrproperty) { this.validateProperty(property);, property); } return this; }
this sould be add and not a but in tsrg i gave
a ([Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/state/properties/Property;)Lbxh$a; add but it didnt apply the name correctly and i really have no idea why, its the only case tho

Affects everything that returns or passes in non-primitive array, other examples (from 1.14.4):
Path.getOpenSet() : Node[]
Path.getClosedSet() : Node[]
DirectionProperty.create(String, Direction[]) : DirectionProperty
ChunkAccess.getBiomes() : Biome[]


fixed in latest patch