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[CLIFF] upper body reconstruction

sangdv opened this issue · comments

We have a research project related to 3D reconstruction of upper body part to estimate the intubation difficulty of patients. However, when we applied your model on images that contain only upper body part, the model yielded very bad results since it tried to reconstruct the whole human body. Could you please advise us how to deal with that?
Here is an example of an input image with only upper human body part:

I test the image, and the result looks fine to me. Sorry that it is not convenient for me to upload the result image, could you upload your result image, then we can see what the problem is.

Hi, here are my results. I also attach some test images so that you can check on your side. Thanks.

These are head images, not upper body images. I guess what you want is 3D head orientation estimation.

No, we want to reconstruct the 3D upper body including the head, neck and maybe shoulders as well. We then detect some 2D keypoints like the eyes, chin, thyroid notch, sternal notch... and lift them to the 3D keypoints using reconstructed mesh. The purpose is to calculate some distances between them as clinical features to estimate difficult intubation.

Here are some other examples:
Can you let me know how to fit the 3D shape better? The 3D reconstructed shape seems to be quite small compared to the original one.

Thank you for your suggestion. I tried their improved method at but the results are still the same as you can see here:

I don't have the right to access the google drive data.
Maybe you can try, and see how it goes.