huawei-noah / Disout

Code for AAAI 2020 paper, Beyond Dropout: Feature Map Distortion to Regularize Deep Neural Networks (Disout).

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Could you provide more details of "Experiments on Fully Connected Layers"?

jiahy0825 opened this issue · comments


Thanks for your great work!

I am reproducing your first experiment recently, but even the baseline method I implemented is very different from the results in the paper. (In your paper, Table 1 says the accuracy of conventional CNN method on CIFAR-10 reaches 81.99%)

My implementation is as consistent as possible with the narrative in your section "Implementation details" of "Experiments on Fully Connected Layers". Maybe I missed some details or tricks (such as padding, momentum, etc.), could you provide more information about this experiment?

The momentum is set to 0.9 following the common implement of SGD.