huangyingw / Leetcode-Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Based on Solution

Kth Problem

  • (378) Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix
  • (Lintcode 465) Kth Smallest Sum in Two Sorted Arrays

Two Pointers of Same Direction

  • (3) Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  • (209) Minimum Size Subarray Sum
  • (340) Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters

Union Find

  • (261) Graph Valid Tree
  • (305) Number of Island II
  • (Lintcode 590) Connecting Graph II
  • (Lintcode 629) Minimum Spanning Tree
  • (721) Accounts Merge


  • (208) Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
  • (211) Add and Search Word - Data structure design
  • (212) Word Search II

Prefix Sum

  • (Lintcode 138) Subarray Sum
  • (Lintcode 405) Submatrix Sum


  • (155) Min Stack
  • (394) Decode String
  • (654) Maximum Binary Tree
  • (Lintcode 22) Flatten List
  • (Lintcode 402) Continuous Subarray Sum

Stack + Design

  • (341) Flatten Nested List Iterator

Monotone Stack

  • (42) Trapping Rain Water
  • (84) Largest Rectangle in Histogram
  • (85) Maximal Rectangle

Two Heaps - minHeap and maxHeap

  • (295) Find Median from Data Stream
  • (480) Sliding Window Median

Min Heap

  • (407) Trapping Rain Water II

Sweep Line

  • (253) Meeting Rooms II
  • (Lintcode 391) Number of Airplanes in the Skyline

Binary Search

  • (29) Divide Two Integers
  • (69) Sqrt(x)
  • (287) Find the Duplicate Number
  • (644) Maximum Average Subarray II
  • (Lintcode 183) Wood Cut
  • (Lintcode 437) Copy Books
  • (Lintcode 586) Sqrt(x) II


  • (239) Sliding Window Maximum
  • (346) Moving Average from Data Stream

Dynamic Programming

  • (198) House Robber

DFS + Binary Tree



Language:Python 100.0%