huangsicong / pytorch_codebase

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Evaluating Lossy Compression Rates of Deep Generative Models

The general purpose codebase based on the code used in the ICML paper: Evaluating Lossy Compression Rates of Deep Generative Models

Original Authors: Sicong Huang, Alireza Makhzani*, Yanshuai Cao , Roger Grosse (*Equal contribution)

The Full codebase can be found here:

Special thanks to Gerald Shen for improving this codabase with Sicong Huang.

Citing this work

  title={Evaluating Lossy Compression Rates of Deep Generative Models},
  author={Huang, Sicong and Makhzani, Alireza and Cao, Yanshuai and Grosse, Roger},
  booktitle = {ICML},

Running this code

Dependencies are listed in requirement.txt. Lite tracer can be found here.

There are only 3 argparse arguments:

  • hparam_set: (str) This is label of the experiment, and it point to a set of hyper parameters associated with this experiment, organzied by an Hparam object. They are registered under codebase/hparams.
  • e_name: (str) "Extra name". Used to add an extra suffix after the hparam_set in the name of the experiment. This is used to run another copy (for testing purposes for example) of the experiment defined by hparam_set without having to create the same hparam_set.
  • overwrite (boolean): if set to true it will overwrite the previous result directory of the same experiment if it exists

The configuration for each experiment is defined by an Hparam object registered in codebase/hparams. The default value for an undefined field is None. The Hparam object is hierarchical and compositional for modularity.

This codebase has a self-contained system for keeping track of checkpoints and outputs based on the Hparam object. To load checkpoint from another experiment registered in the codebase, assign load_checkpoint_name to the name of a registered hparam_set in the codebase. If the model you want to test is not trained with this codebase, to load your model, you can simply set specific_model_path to the path of your decoder weights.

To run the codebase in Google Colab see: Notebook. This by default will clone the master branch and run the codebase using a test command. Consider using this file to get started with running your custom experiments on Colab.

Example run to train a DCGAN based VAE locally or on a compute cluster:

python -m codebase.train_gen --hparam_set=dcvae100_mnist

codebase/ is a root script that is written to process a type of task, in this case, the training of generative models.

Reproducing our results.

Note that in this codebase the AIS and rate distortion code was taken out, so in this version of the codebase, it can only go as far as getting the trained generative models ready to use.

  • Set the paths.

    Make sure to properly set all the directories and paths accordingly, including the output directories output_root_dir, the data directory data_dir and the checkpoint directory checkpoint_root_dir in the codebase/hparams/ Note that the datasets will be automatically downloaded if you don't have then in the data_dir the already. For all the sbatch files, make sure to set the working directory accordingly (to where this repo is cloned) in each command as well.

  • Get the checkpoints.

    The training code and script for VAEs are included, for the rest of the models, trained checkpoints can be found here. Set the FILEPATH (it should end with .zip) and run this command to download the checkpoints zip:

    wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1KyIGHCIDl4DDRBLBcaBg39adsMn4xAev" -O FILEPATH && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

    And then unzip it into the checkpoint_root_dir

    unzip FILEPATH -d checkpoint_root_dir

    If you have access to a compute cluster that has slurm and sbatch installed, you can run the sbatch files to reproduce our experimental results. All .sh files are sbatch files in codebase/hparams, to run them:


    Notice that if you don't already have the datasets downloaded, running multiple runs concurrently might cause interference of the data loading/downloading processes. So a good practice is to let the data downloading process finish before starting another runs related to the same dataset.

  • Ploting script You will need to modify codebase/ for your own purposes. The idea here is that the script could automatically extract data based on the experiment name. Set the output_root_dir in your plotting hparam to be the same as the output_root_dir in codebase/hparams/ which was set in the beginning to custimize the plots. Then run

Test your own generative models.

The codebase is also modularized for testing your own decoder-based generative models. You need to register your model under codebase/models/, and register the Hparam object at codebase/hparams/ Your model should come with its decoder variance model.x_logvar as a scalar or vector tensor. Set specific_model_path to the path of your decoder weights.


If the generative models is trained in PyTorch, the checkpoint should contain the key "state_dict" as the weights of the model.


If the generative models is trained in other framewords, you'll need to manuually bridge and load the weights. For example, the AAEs were trained in tensorflow, with the weights saved as numpy, and then loaded as nn.Parameter in PyTorch. Refer to codebase/utils/ for more details.

Detailed Experimental Settings

More details on how to control experimental settings can be found below.

General configuration:

  • specific_model_path: (str) Set to the path to the decoder weights for your own experiments. Set to None if you are reproducing our experiments.

  • original_experiment: (boolean) This should be set to True when the checkpoint or the model is from the paper. When you are testing your own generative model, set this False and it will load from specific_model_path instead of the directories generated by this codebase. You may need to customize the load_user_model function in codebase/utils/ for your own generative model.

  • output_root_dir: (str) The root dir for the experiment workspace. Experiment results, checkpoints will be saved in subfolders under this directory.

  • group_list: (list) A list specifying the file tree structure for the output of this experiment, inside the output_root_dir.

  • step_sizes_target: (str) When not defined or set to None, HMC step sizes adaptively tunned and saved during AIS. When specified as the name of hparam_set of another previously finished experiment, HMC step size will be loaded from that experiment.

  • model_name: (str) The name of the model you want to use. The model must be registered under codebase/models.


  • model_train contains information about the original training setting of the model. (In this code base only VAE training is supported)
  • rd: contains information about the AIS setting for the rate distortion curve.
  • dataset: contains information about the dataset. Set mnist() for MNIST and cifar() for CIFAR10.

model_train sub-Hparam:

  • z_size: (int) Size of the latent code.
  • batch_size: (int) The batch size for training.
  • epochs: (int) The number of epochs to train.
  • x_var: (float) Initial decoder variance.

dataset sub-Hparam

  • name: (str) The name of the dataset.
  • train: (str) Load the train set if True, test set otherwise.
  • input_dims: (list) A list specifying the input dimensions.
  • input_vector_length: (int) The product of input_dims.

The rest: normally the below settings do not need to be changed.

  • cuda: (boolean) Whether or not to use CUDA.
  • verbose: (boolean) Verbose or not for logging and print statements.
  • random_seed: (int) Random seed.
  • n_val_batch: (int) Number of batch you want to test on during training or IWAE. During training it'll test on a held-out validation set.
  • no_workers: (int) number of processes to load our data




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