huangkuns / wireframe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Questions about wireframe

haopo2005 opened this issue · comments

I'd like to have a quick verification with my own dataset based on your "wireframe".
However, I cant find the any pre-trained models(*.pkl or *.pth files). Can you release them?
During the inference stage, will the output image size of arbitrary input images be unified to 320.*320(default imgdim in )?
Do you have plans to support the panorama images?
If I have to train from scratch, I'd like to know how long it will take to train on single GPU of P4 processor ?

Best Regards,

I've trained the model based on their dataset and run the inference stage successfully.
The 8GB GPU memory is not enough for the linepx training, I have to decrease the num of batch size.
As for the result, it provides you with many folders under different thresholds.