htrgouvea / nipe

An engine to make Tor network your default gateway

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The script is not working properly

xzj8b3 opened this issue · comments

perl start
Can't locate in @inc (you may need to install the Switch module) (@inc contains: /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5/5.26.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5/5.26.2 /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5 /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5/5.26.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5/5.26.2 /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /home/xzj8b3/perl5/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at line 15.

Fedora 28 x64

You have not run dependency installation commands ...

cpan install Switch JSON LWP::UserAgent

After that, also run:

perl install

Obviously tried all but on Fedora 28 missing some bookstores knows me


$ sudo dnf install 'perl(Switch JSON LWP::UserAgent)'

For beginners like me who have trouble installing the dependencies via perl install , configure cpan with sudo instead of local::lib.

@xzj8b3 It worked?

to get it working on fedora 28 i had to do the following: " sudo or su"
dnf install cpan
dnf install perl-Switch
dnf install perl-JSON
dnf install perl-LWP*
changed a line in nipe/lib/Nipe/
from = my $operationalSystem = cat /etc/os-release | grep 'ID_LIKE' | cut -d '=' -f 2;
to = my $operationalSystem = cat /etc/os-release | grep 'ID' | cut -d '=' -f 2;

then ran:
sudo perl install
then sudo perl start
i was able to establish a connection and was able to get a status check results

As soon as I have time to try again!!!!

@xzj8b3 any update??

Hi Guys,

I think I got this error fixed, can someone please confirm it?


since fedora 28 is EOL i wont bother testing the fix on it . i will test it on fedora 29 and fedora 30 and give you a feedback shortly.

Hi Guys,

I think I got this error fixed, can someone please confirm it?


Alright on Both Fedora 29 and 30
Per " Download and Install" Section
cpan install Switch JSON LWP::UserAgent Config::Simple

Switch Library fails to complete installation using cpan. which in result will make perl nipe install errors out.

to fix this issue i would change/add to the documentation to install the Perl libraries required to run Nipe using the linux distro package management instead of using cpan.
let me know if i need to test something else.

Hi @alshawwa,

Thanks so much for testing Nipe and for the feedback!
Based on your answer I will mark this issue as resolved!
I just made a commit that already fixes the other problem you mentioned, I updated README with new installation instructions, could you check if that is enough?


Ok @xzj8b3, I will keep this issue closed until then, any new information I can reopen.

Ok @xzj8b3, I will keep this issue closed until then, any new information I can reopen.

Forgive the I haven't tried yet because I didn't understand how script functions...It's active only with Tor enabled, otherwise is the connection normal, does it enable when you need it and just?

If Fedora 31 is more stable as soon as this happens, I don't want Tor always active!!!!