htmlpreview /

HTML Preview for GitHub Repositories


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.

TrianguloY opened this issue · comments

When trying to fix the CORS error a few days ago, you made a change in the fetching code so now pages are fetched using fetch instead of fetchProxy.

Now, when using a page which has cors disabled, like dropbox, the service doesn't work.

Was that change a forgotten invalid fix? I recommend using fetchProxy again, so that dropbox links (and others) works again.

This change was meant to lower the usage of CORS proxies and improve loading time, so that HTML documents from could be fetched directly. I didn't realize that HTMLPreview is used outside of GitHub/Bitbucket, like with Dropbox. I will make an exception for such cases.

Ah, I understand.

Yes, a friend of mine uses the page with dropbox ( and asked me why the page stopped working, so I investigated and found the issue.

Thanks for the quick reply 😊. An exception is enough for my friend.

Sorry for the reply, but perhaps you have disabled notifications of pull requests.
I investigated the issue and found a solution that also should drastically reduce the number of petitions to the cors proxies. More info in the pull request: #96

You can check the result here:

I also started encountering this error, but my file is on Github. Here's the file:

The following link produces the error message given above:

Is there anything I can do to work around this problem?

@peastman The link you posted above ( works fine for me. I checked the mentioned issue from your repo and the link is different. Simply update the link to this one and it will work again.