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HTML Preview for GitHub Repositories


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect toc hyperlink to subsections in Chrome and Safari

fursham-h opened this issue · comments

I've been getting errors upon clicking on the toc hyperlinks to a different subsection. I soon realize that the formatting of the hyperlink text contain a 'hyphen' where a period be at. This error occurs in chrome and safari browsers, but works fine with firefox.

I've rendered a test html using rmarkdown (
I've copied the hyperlink to the first heading here (https://htmlpreview-github-io/?https://github-com/fursham-h/factR/blob/master/vignettes/test-html#heading1)

Sorry for the late answer. Your URL is invalid, but I have checked and it successfully scrolls to the Getting Started chapter.